⚫Chapter 11⚫

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I sat there blankly as I gazed into space, my hand on my fork which was pushing my food back and forth.

Currently, I was sitting at the dining table with  Sebastian on the left end and Bill on the right. It was awkward because they were both still angry and disappointed at me, but also worried as I was no longer eating. And I always eat!


I flinched when Sebastian slammed his fist on the table, his chair fallen over behind him as he stood, eyes turning a fuscous color. "That's it! If you don't eat, I'll just make you!" He growled and stormed over to me.

I didn't want the hands that killed my mother to touch me, so I flinched away and forced food in my mouth. Yet my stomach still felt like an empty pit. And my mouth as dry as the bland chicken daddy used to make, even though I just drunk some punch.

Sebastian gave a loud sigh and turned, walking out of the room. I closed my eyes and sagges against the back of my seat, sucking back the tears that were about to fall. I didn't want Bill to see me that way.

"You know, you deserved this  we gave you so many chances, yet you just let them completely fly out of your head. If you had just listened, both your mother and Jameson (well,maybe not him) would still be alive. This isyour fault whether you will admit it or not."

He left as he snapped his finger and i were back in my room.

Well...Cage is more like it.

Once my mom was dead (😥😭), Bill dragged me to a dark basement like room and threw me onto a cold floor. With only two very dim candles lit, I had noticed it was a human sized cage I was placed in. It had an old pillow and blanket that kind of stunk and some small books.

Back to the present, I finally let my tears fall fast down my face. My mom was my only haven. My safe place from the bullies I once had at school. From my abusive grandparents. From even the demons that haunt me now, literally.

But now she's dead and I'm alone in the lion's den. I curled up under the blanket, closing my eyed and wished I was dead as well. Then I could maybe be with my mom and Jameson again. We could be happy together in heaven.

I just have to get out of this hell of a place

Just when I was about to drift off into sleep, a sudden memory of mom popped into my head.


"Have you been... Perhaps... Using the old PC you found in the attic before we moved here a year ago?"

"Uh yes.... Why? Is it going to explode!?"

"No.. Darling. There's something i need to tell you... And i don't know if it has happened already. Have you been watching the free anime on the PC from the download i told you about?"

"Well yes. And i am thankful that you did that because now i get to watch all the anime i want! New or old! But what's wrong? "

"You see.... That PC isn't normal... I've had it since i was two years older than your age... Has anything out of the ordinary happened for these past weeks? Like maybe glitches ... Or anything like that?"

"Not that i know of-"

" No I'm talking like anything coming out and f the screen.. Or like to life?"

Mom noticed your expression and she groaned. "So it's happening again, huh?.... I thought i got rid of that bug..."

" What are you talking about mom?"

"Well you see.... That computer had a bug when i was your age... And it wasn't normal ... It was almost like magic... I couldn't tell anyone. And i never thought it would happen again... But.. It brings stuff to life.. Almost ... And kind of triggers what it beings to life to... Have a deep obsession with the owner..."

"About that ..." you said in a squeaky voice before going into deep detail explanation of Bill and Sebastian and who they are and what they're from.

"So it's already begun?... This is gonna be more difficult than i thought ....Honey, get the hammer."

" Why?"

"We have to go to the heart of it all to destroy this bug. Or else it will get worse. And bloody. We need to destroy the computer. Smash it. That will destroy those after you and return everything back to normal."


I sit up in a flash, frowning. I somehow feel like that memory was taken away from me or something like that.

I was suddenly filled with determination. If I was going to get out of this situation, that was going to br how.

One way or another, I'm going to get out of this dreaded place. If that meant doing this I really don't wanna do, than so be it.

I have to smash that computer.

I have to destroy the two demons hunting me.

And I have to get things back to normal.

Mom and Jamie... Don't worry. I'll get you back. These demons are going to pay for what they've done.

~ ❤ ~

So there it is. One out of four updates. Swipe left or scroll down for next part.

Love you all.

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