⚫Chapter 3⚫

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Your POV:

You sigh as you make your way to lunch. It's been hours since you've seen Jameson and he is in each of your classes, so your suspicions were very high. You sat down at your usual table alone. None of the few friends you had were there because they were a grade lower than you and had a field trip, so you were left all alone.

You put in your ear buds, getting lost in the music while eating with your eyes closed. You didn't hear, nor see the footsteps coming near you.

Suddenly your ear buds were pulled out and you were about to chew someone out because no one EVER messed with your music and they knew it. Than again, it was who pulled them out that stopped you: Sebastian.

Sebastian's POV:

Sebastian smirks as he walked into lunch period and saw his precious (y/n) sitting all alone. There was no Bill this time so it was his turn. He walked over and sat beside you at the table. "Hello dear (y/n)." He waited for a response and got none and was getting really annoyed. But than he saw that you had ear buds in. This is why he hated modern technology; it was so annoying. So he did the only option he had, knowing it would annoy you, which he found annoyingly. He pulled your ear buds out.

He smirked at your cute reaction, seeing as you were about to yell or beat someone up and froze when it was him. He took a strand of your hair and toyed with it chuckling. "Hmm. Gonna do something, madame?"

You sneered at him and punched him in the chest replying, " yah, and it's ignore you. You and that yellow freak Bill. You're too creepy for me."  She shivered at his touch.

He laughed heartily at her reaction. "Oh so cute. Honestly, do you think we care? Me and him just want you. And sweetheart, we always get what we want. One way or another. Either way, you're going to end up being one of ours, and I sure as hell hope it's me." He kissed her head and got up and left.

Smirking to himself, he thought up a devious plan as he headed to his next class. There was no way he way he was going to let that yellow Nacho be with you. You were his. And he was going to prove it.

Your POV: 

You blink after he left. What did he mean? Who the heck were they? That was just not normal and you knew it 

You get up grabbing your books and head to your next class which was also your last. You sat in your normal seat. This was your seat: far right by the window, view of the outside. 

Feeling someone watching you, you glanced and saw Bill staring right at you. Our vision connected for a few seconds and he smirked. You gasped and quickly looked away, cheeks flushing a bit.

The teacher droned on for quiet awhile ,when the bell suddenly rung. You quickly gathered your things, even thought you knew you were going to be the last  one out, even after the teacher.

You looked up after gathering your things up, only to drop them once again in surprise. Bill was standing right in front of you. Your eyes widen and you backed up, only to hit the window. "H-how did you...but..."

He smirked and pinned you to the window. "I know Sebastian is planning something, and I just can't allow that to mess up my plans. I'm tired of playing these foolish games now. You are mine and you're coming with me."

You were going to say something as your mouth opened, but before you could even do that, Bill snapped his fingers and you felt your vision blurring. The next thing you saw was black.

Bill's POV:

​​​​​​Bill easily caught you after he made you pass out. He smirked, picking you up bridal style. After he overheard Sebastian as he passed through the hallways unknown, he couldn't just sit there and let Sebastian do whatever. So he decided to take action.

Now you were his and Sebastian wasn't going to stop him. They may have been in alliance for that amount of time, but not anymore.

He teleported to his place in the demon world, which was actually pretty cozy and fancy. He sat you on the couch and turned into his demon form and floated watching you.

"Don't worry, Cracker. No one can harm  our love now."

Demons at War || Bill Cipher x Reader x Sebastian Michaelis ||Where stories live. Discover now