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Your POV

I was in the kitchen making dinner for everyone, since I'm the only one that can cook real food. I decided tonight we'd have salmon, mashed potatoes, and green beans. But in all honesty I don't really care what we eat. I was just about to put the salmon on the pan before Win Chao came in and scared me, making me almost drop it in the floor. It landed perfectly on the pan.

"(Y/n), can I help?"

"Yeah, I could use a little. Can you peel the potatoes while I stir the green beans again?"

Win Chao did as he was told and peeled potatoes, I stirred and checked the salmon. By the time Win Chao peeled 7 potatoes I had one small salmon cooked. He washed the potatoes then cut them up and put them in a pot to boil. He only knows how to make mashes potatoes.

"Have you talked to Mi Liu after your little fight?"

"No, why?"

"Just asking."

"Win Chao, you know the rules. Ever since we started together, we promised no secrets."

"I have to keep this one."

I smiled a little and stirred the beans again, he's probably just joking anyways. A while later I sat the table and everyone got their drinks to eat. Win Chao of course having a beer because he 'deserves' it. He's the oldest in our little group. Win Chao is 23, Anji is about to turn 20, Mi Liu is 19, and I'm 18. Anji will turn 20 in about a week.


Mi Liu snapped me out of my thoughts as I shot up and looked at him. He sat at the other end of the table while I sat on one end.

"This is really good. Thank you."

Mi Liu kind of blushed a little, which was really cute. I could just--no. I giggled then said thanks and continued eating while listening to 'Bulletproof Love' in my headphones. I always kept the music down low so I could hear people.

After dinner we all agreed on a movie to watch, so we were going to watch something scary. Until a knock on the door appeared and Anji answered. We all sat in shock, well Anji stood. It was a member of, well, it's basically like the police for Bloodivores.

"I'm looking for a few people, their names are, Mi Liu, Anji, Win Chao, and (y/n). Have you seen them any where today? Or at all."

Anji was the first to speak, an officer never found our house. Never. The last time that happened was 10 years ago when we lived in the city.  Win Chao was our protector at that time.

"No, we have not seen them anywhere Sir. We will be on the lookout."

"Thank you Ma'am."

He was about to leave until another man came up to the door holding some picture up. I recognized him too.  It was Mi Liu's father.

"These are the guys, all here."

Win Chao pulled a pistol out of his back pocket and held it to Mi Liu's father's head. The other guy ran out, I assumed back to the car they came from.

"Mi Liu, Anji, (y/n), all of you go. RUN!"

We did as we were told and ran, out the back door into the woods. We didn't hear footsteps, so we assumed nobody was following us, but we continued to run. No matter where, just run. As we were running I looked up at the bright stars, shining down on us with the moon. The full, bright moon. Why did I have to be this way?


I tripped over a log and hurt my ankle, I held it tight as the other's stopped.


They were about to run toward me, until I stopped them.

"GO, don't stay, GO, RUN."

I screamed in pain. I saw Anji run, doing as she was told. Mi Liu stayed. He walked toward me and gave me a hand that I couldn't take.

"Mi Liu...."


Without question he picked me up and started running. I buried my head into his chest as he ran. I cried a little due to my ankle.

"It's okay, I gotcha."

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