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Mi Liu's POV

"Anji! Anji! Where are you!"

God I'm so mad. How could she just leave (y/n) like that! She's part of us! We left Win Chao because he's  our leader, we do not leave the youngest behind! She's a jerk! Just, oh! Or maybe I'm just mad because I'm-no I can't be. It's impossible.


I yelled at the top of my lungs, before I felt a slight tug on my shirt, (y/n)....She's so cute. Wait what?

"Stop yelling, she's probably gone. Let's rest in there okay?"

She pointed to a small cave that didn't look occupied. So I went in and sat her on the ground, I laid her head on my lap so I could take off my jacket and lay it on the rock. Once I did I sat her head by the rock and she laid there silently. There has never been this much awkwardness between us.

"Mi Liu."

"What's wrong?"

"I'm freezing."

And so was I. But we had nothing left. It was too risky to go back to the house and grab supplies because people could be there, what if they arrested Win Chao? What would we do? Look for Anji and have her lead us? That would be a disaster because she even left (y/n) behind. I look back over to see her lay my jacket on her stomach as she laid her head against the rough rock.

"Are you cold too?"

She asked with her soft voice, it was so pretty. Her eyes only complimented her face, she was beautiful in every way. What, why am I thinking this. Am I-no, I can't be, I haven't been in love for 5 years. Why would it happen now?

"A little, but it's okay...keep the jacket."

She hugged herself and looked at her foot, she looked as though she was thinking so I wasn't going to interrupt her. I looked up at the cave walls, the cave ceiling, then I looked over to see a gorgeous (y/n), to see her staring at me. She blushed a little and sat up.

"(Y/N)! MI LIU! ANJI!"

I shot up. I knew that voice, I looked over to (y/n), telling me to go. So I got up and saw Win Chao, walking aimlessly. Looking for us. I started to tear up as I ran to him and hugged him, I got a hug back. To be honest he's kind of like the brother that I never had. Once we parted I stopped crying.

"Where's (y/n) and Anji?"

"We don't know where Anji ran off to, but (y/n)'s with me. Did you bring anything from the house?"

"Yeah, we definitely won't be able to go back. I'm glad (y/n)'s with you, but also kind of weirded out."


"I thought you two liked each other?"

"No, we don't lo-like each other."

Lies, all lies. I loved her. I know now. I love her. Honestly I hope she loves me. When we got back to the cave, (y/n) was there relaxing, sitting back where she was. Smiling happily as Win Chao hugged her and helped with her ankle. By the time it was around 3 a.m., we decided to go to sleep. Win Chao brought everyone a blanket and pillow from the house. We had extras because we couldn't find Anji. But, we had a good amount of blankets and pillows. Win Chao also brought snacks and drinks that we had to consume very slowly. Mainly because if we never found another home to take over, that's all we had.

As I was tossing and turning I heard the breathing of Win Chao and (y/n). (Y/n) was still awake, Win Chao however, fell asleep. I looked over to see her looking at me, I felt my face turn hot to see her looking at me.

"Can't sleep."

"Not really."

"Me neither. I need something to hold onto, I miss my teddy bear."

I forgot...how could I? (Y/n)'s teddy bear, when we found her at the age of 6 she had a teddy bear, when we asked why she was alone, she said she lost her family. Later learned they all died, and by they, I mean, her mother died giving birth, her father killed himself because he couldn't take care of the children and missed her mom. The only thing she had left was her older sister, and twin brother. Her twin was a few minuets earlier, not many. Her older sister gave her and her brother a teddy bear each, so they had a 'snuggle buddy'. Well, that was around the time the drugs had come out, her sister took them, and then she did, being only 6  she took them from her sister. Her brother didn't want any, even when their older sister left the room with the drugs on the table, he didn't want any. So she became a Bloodivore, along with (y/n), her sister killed her twin brother without (y/n) knowing, and (y/n) turned out missing somehow. So, when we found her sister at age 9, she died from the police beating her to death.

After I processed all of that, I stroked her hair a little.

"It's okay, we'll get you a new Teddy. One that will never get lost."

She blushed a little as she welcomed herself into my chest, I wrapped my arms around her and stroked her hair some more as she snuggled closer to me. Without thinking, I kissed her head. I freaked out a little until I felt her smile. She was so adorable.

"My Teddy."

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