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Mi Liu's POV

I'm glad (y/n) didn't freak out like that other woman did. She wasn't wearing her collar either, that will get her into real deep crap. If any bloodivore is caught without their collar on, istead of letting you into Heaven where you could probably be forgiven and sent back to Earth, you go to Hell where you can never return. Your turned into the Devil's slave, if you don't do as he says, well, he gives you the worst punishment, the gift of never being able to live again. Hopefully Anji is forgiven and sent back to Earth somewhere. 

"Mi Liu!"

I snap out of my thoughts to see the police in front of our truck. They have their guns pointed at the windshield. I see Win Chao's hand on the gear shift, about to put the truck in reverse, but I think he's waiting so the police think we will surrender. 

"Win Chao, Mi Liu, and (y/n) (l/n), you are under arrest. Get out of your vehicle with your hands up, and we won't hurt you."

I knew that was a lie. The last time I ran away from jail they said they wouldn't hurt me, but they beat me to death. They whipped me and gave me a scar on my knee cap, all because I was a bloodivore. I looked to see (y/n) crying in the back seat. Win Chao shushed her, then GOT OUT OF THE TRUCK.

"Mi Liu, take care of her. If anything happens to her I swear to God I will kill you in Heaven."

"Win Chao!"

He slammed the door in my face. I could hear the words between the police and Win Chao. I climbed into the drivers seat and motioned for (y/n) to stay where she was. Her lovely voice told me not to leave, and I didn't plan on it. 

"Win Chao, you under arrest, is there anything you would like to say before we take you, Mi Liu, and Miss (y/n) away? Remember, anything you say here, can and will be used you against the court trail."

"Let Mi Liu and (y/n) go. You can have me, not them."

I gasped at Win Chao's words. I was shocked that even as childhood friends, he hated the police, so why on Earth would he go with them now? The police looked back and forth at each other and talked through their walkie-talkies. 

"Very well, Mi Liu and Miss (y/n) can go. We are going to take you, Mr. Win Chao, custody. And possibly to death." 

"Very well." 

Win Chao walked to a policeman, where he was put in handcuffs and sent away. The cop cars left in the distance, to leave me and (y/n) in the truck. She crawled into the passenger seat and wrapped her arms around her knees. 

"Mi Liu?"


"What do we do now?"

"To be honest, I don't know."

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