Break In

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Your POV

I woke up with a small fever, but Mi Liu and Win Chao still suggested that I stay in bed for the day. Mi Liu carried me to the living room where I watched TV most of the day, then Win Chao made us ham and cheese sandwiches for lunch with a side of potato chips. After I finished eating I sat on the couch, wrapping the nice warm quilt we bought around my body. I flipped TV stations over and over again until I found one that I  really liked! It's like the best show ever, a.k.a (favorite show). Win Chao rudely interrupted as the show was almost over.

"Are you feeling any better? If so, we can all head out to Kroger or something and get groceries. If not, Mi Liu or I can just stay here with you."

My response would've been, 'I'm not in the mood for you and your meanness of ruining my show so get the heck out of my face.', but I knew he would kill me. So I answered somewhat politely.

"A little yeah, I can go out."

After 15 minuets or so I got dressed and everyone was ready to go. I liked my outfit today. It was  a black tank top with a light baby blue skater skirt, and a pair of black sneakers with block stockings. I thought it was adorable, but Win Chao told me to put on a black skirt instead, so I did as I was told. Finished dressing I head out the door into the truck that was waiting for me outside.  Mi Liu and Win Chao in the front of course.

"What are we getting?"

"Food. Duh."

When we got there we shopped for a while. Got usual things like milk, eggs, fruit, vegetables. Then got random things like crab cake, turkey, Almond Joy coffee creamer, and mangos. Once our buggy was full and ready to pay, we stopped at lane number 3 and stood there impatiently. When we got to the part of the line where all the gum is, I snagged some into the buggy. All was well until someone entered with a gun, multiple people with guns. We put our hands up as they told us to do, and screamed.

"I'm starving!"

Bloodivore. We all knew it. A mother with her child stepped in front of her child. Being careful of what she says and does, because we all know that our species are dangerous. Very dangerous. So dangerous that if the police see a Bloodivore who they think is about to attack, they kill. They kill us even though we weren't going to attack. Bloodivores that act like humans, will not be killed, but carefully watched. It wasn't until long three people were killed not doing what they were told and the Bloodivores ate two alive. In total, five people, dead.

"Hey, (y/n), are you alright?"

I've seen these kinds of things before, so they didn't truly bother me. Mi Liu may have seemed to think they bother me though, so maybe that's why he's asking. In response I nodded and stood a little closer to him, wrapping my arm around his waist. Soon enough the police came  in and killed the men, aggressively. Yeah, did I mention we don't die quickly? We're beaten to a pulp, then actually killed. We got our groceries paid for and got in the truck, hoping that nothing else like this would happen.

That night I slept on the couch, TV turned on, and windows open. I fell asleep around 9 after we had turkey and green beans with potatoes for dinner. Now I wake up to the wind blowing harder than usual, and it being 5 a.m. I shut the windows and turned on the back porch light, where I sat and drank coffee with a large coat on me.

"(Y/n), don't be afraid."

The voice! She's after me again! How is this girl! Why can't I move!?

"It's me...Anji."

Anji, Anji, it can't be Anji, she's dead. I watched everything, the thought of it is making tears come to my eyes. The ghost showed herself, and it looked exactly like Anji. I ran to hug her, but I only went through her, though I could feel her touching me.

"How did you get to be this way Anji?"

"I don't know honestly. Why were you afraid of me at first?"

"Oh maybe because you smirked and went, 'Oh hey (y/n)', or I think that's what you said."

"I was smiling."

"Your smile is a smirk now."

"I can only do scary things now. I'm a demon in ghost form. All of my wrong doings lead me into Hell, with my new father. I have to be here for a couple days, which in demon time, it's two years. So I wanted someone to talk to."

Demon. Father. Demon time. Hell. Anji. Ghost form. Heaven. What is going on?

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