Water Works

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Your POV

I woke up in Mi Liu's arms. Last night was crazy, it was weird...no NO none of that happened okay. Get your mind out of the gutter. I shifted myself to look at Mi Liu, he was spooning me. The thought of it made me blush a little harder watching this angel sleep. He soon opened his eyes a little and blinked a few times to get used to the lamp I turned on beside me.


"Hey cutie."

Mi Liu immediately wrapped his arms around my waist and snuggled closer to me. I giggled a little at his playfulness. He was weird. I wrapped my arms around him as well as we cuddled. Until the door opened. Revealing a gross couple, a.k.a Win Chao and Anji. God that's so gross. Mi Liu sat up and inspected them.

"So, had fun?"

He smirked at the two, making Anji blush a little considering she was...uh....breathing so loud. Win Chao just laughed a little and smacked her butt playfully, she turned around and smacked him in the face. Then he wrapped his arms around her and gave her a quick but cute kiss.

"Whatever dude, and hurry up, we're leaving in 15."

They shut the door, I assume to collect their things and come back to get us. Mi Liu got up and packed things in a little Wal-Mart shopping bag, things like food, drinks, a hair brush, necessities basically. I stayed in bed and closed my eyes a little longer, it was a nice slumber, until someone decided to wake me up like a meanie!

"Wakie Wakie! Get up (y/n)! Wake up!"

Now I was dealing with a hyper-active Mi Liu, he jumped and jumped, even pleaded for me to get up. I groaned and got up, then smacked him with a pillow and we started laughing.

"You wanna play it that way!"

We started a mass pillow fight. We kept hitting each other, we both fell on the bed a couple times. But I loved having someone to mess with.

Anji's POV

Win Chao and I were walking back to Mi Liu and (y/n)'s room to get them then leave. We had everything packed and ready to go. We got to their door and heard laughing, laughing? Why are they laughing this is a serious manner? I looked at Win Chao, who had the same expression.

"Come on babe, let's make sure they're not underage screwing or anything."

"If they were they wouldn't be laughing, stupid. And they wouldn't be underage."

"You know you love me."

We step in to find Mi Liu holding (y/n) with her  head drooped on his back as she's pounding his back and screaming, 'put me down', 'put me down'.  Mi Liu put her down and let her be. We stepped inside, grabbed their things, and headed back out to the woods were we stay.

Your POV

Learning my ankle was better from the pillow fight this morning, I decided to walk. It was around 2 a.m. when we took a quick pit stop near a absolutely gorgeous waterfall! I felt my shorts get a little wet as I sat down on a rock closer to it. I took off my Nike shoes and high knee blue socks and dipped my feet into the water. The water was gorgeous, I could see through it perfectly, and it's nice blue and green tone gives me the feeling I'm at the beach. Sadly, there is no sand surrounding it, but there's no hill either, so it's perfect for me.

Mi Liu came up and gave me a pat on the shoulder, and squat down next to me. He stared at the water too. I could see his eyes burning into the side of my face, I looked over and he smiled his adorable little smile. He put his hand over top of mine, which was on my thigh, he sighed and kissed my cheek.

"You like the waterfall don't you?"

"Yeah, it's really nice Mi Liu."

He got up and walked over to Anji and Win Chao, who shockingly weren't making out. They were talking, all three of them now. And Mi Liu jumped up and down a little bit. I laughed to myself and looked back into the water, noticing the waterfall. They water flowing down was just like a work of art, it was perfect. A few minuets later Mi Liu came up to me and started massaging my shoulders.

"You know how there is a lot of flat land here?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Because Win Chao and Anji agreed that we could build an illegal house here."

I almost had a lost for words. Being able to live, truly live with Win Chao, Anji and more importantly, Mi Liu, was my dream. But this waterfall is also going to be a positive connotation for living here. I loved this place! The trees would be around the house, and in our backyard we'd have a gorgeous waterfall, and I would be able to wake up every morning with my family, and the boy I love.

"Mi Liu!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

I jumped right into his arms, he twirled me around and kissed my head once he put me down. He held my hand and showed me what his plans were for the house. It would have a deck and a balcony just for me! The deck would obviously be for everyone, but I get a balcony to the left of the house! It's a dream come true.

"Baby, we're going to live together, and nobody's going to find us."

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