"He Doesn't Care"

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From the day Jake first returned to school, he and Dirk seemingly entered a hellhole of enemies. Turns out, using sexual images to embarrass people just gets them more love. They received constant bullying and beat-ups they couldn't avoid, it took them a while to figure out that using the same excuse of they were fighting each other will get them separated...


"Boys, do you know why I called you here?" Hussie, the principal, exclaimed.

Jake and Dirk eyed one another, shaking their heads no.

"Well you fucking should!" Andrew slammed his Donald Tump tan coloured hands onto the desk, "Y'ALL KEEP FUCKIN' FIGHTIN'."

Dirk spoke up. "We--"

"NO, STRIDER, I'M SPLITTIN' YOU AND ENGLISH HERE UP, NO MORE GAY SHENANIGANS." Hussie screeched, he looked at Jake. "You hang out with your other friends," he pointed to Dirk, "you keep hang with the drunkey, Roxy."

"HEY, LISTEN HERE, HUSSIE--" Dirk snarled, interrupted by the principal once again.



From that point onwards, the two boys would see a glimpse of one another rarely, both in and out of school. No one could even begin to theorise what was happening between the two boys, for they had no clue themselves. Jake missed them being bros, hate having to hang out with Aranea and wants Dirk back. Dirk, however, he doesn't display any longingness for Jake; he carries on like he never existed like he never knew him before. It was heartbreaking, to say the least, because deep down, Dirk knew how he felt about Jake. He just couldn't tell him. He couldn't tell Jake he was in love with him.

Strider refused to put on a show of emotions at school. His heart pounded around Jake, but he couldn't break a sweat. Aranea seemed chuffed with herself, splitting up the lovebirds in a matter of weeks or so. She knew Meenah would from there on adore her.


[RL]: dirk wuts wrong??

[RL]: u arent talkin like u used to in skool

[RL]: im worried :(((((

[DS]: I'm fine, thank you, Roxy.

[DS]: Just stressed.

[RL]: over jaek???

[RL]: *jeka

[RL]: **jeak

[RL]: ah fuck it lmao ***butt boy

[DS]: ...

[DS]: Maybe. However that doesn't mean it's ALL over Jake.

[RL]: are u in love with him again??>

[DS]: Again?

[RL]: ya werent you like head of di-stri feet for him?????????? like ages ago tho

[DS]: I guess. First love doesn't mean it's the last, Ro-Lal.

[RL]: you stole that from some cosplay vid

[DS]: I have been discovered. Abort mission!

[RL]: lol i usually rp with your ar where is he btw

[DS]: I disabled him last week for being annoying. I'll reconnect him later for you.

[RL]: ok gtg cos mom wants something bye

[DS]: See you, Roxy.


See? He wouldn't even fully admit his feelings to his own best friend. What was to happen in the future?

//hi im sorry but i have writers block for this rn so ima post a short chapter
//promise the next one will be 700-1000 words cos this is only like 470 something
//really sorry guys!!

"The Jock and The Nerd always get together." DIRKJAKE HIGHSCHOOL AUWhere stories live. Discover now