Morning Sickness

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Oh god, he was going to be sick.
His stomach lurched, and with it he struggled out of the blanket and bed. There was a thump as he hit the ground before he finally extracted himself from the confines of cloth. He made a mad dash for the bathroom, and just barely made it before he retched.
There was no way to tell how long he remained in the bathroom, hunched over the toilet as his stomach revolted against him. It must have been quite a while, because eventually he heard a knock on the door. Soft as it was, the sound shot through his head in a spear of pain.
"Markimoo, you ok in there?" came Jack's muffled voice through the door.
Mark let out a low groan, shaking his head despite the fact that there was no way for Jack to see it. He gulped in several deep breaths, willing his stomach to settle before he called out, "No, not really." No point in hiding it now.
A second of silence and then, "Can I come in?"
He groaned out a loud 'mm-hmm', trying to pull himself into an upright position. The twisting of the doorknob and door opening was like screeching in his ears as Jack came into the bathroom. Gentle hands brushed his hair away from his sweaty forehead, soothingly cold on his skin. Mark leaned into them automatically.
"Need me to get you some water?" he offered, speaking quietly. Mark appreciated it, both the offer and low volume. The pounding of his head couldn't really take much more abuse.
Mark let out a slow, shaky breath. "Please."
Jack went to get the water, as he came back to the bathroom Mark was hunched over the toilet. Awe.. Mark you sound miserable, Jack said well rubbing his back, but it's best to get it all out. I'm ok, I think I'm done now, Let's wait a minute to let your stomach settle, just in case, I'm ok Jack I feel bett-..*belch*..and a *hurk*. Well I thought I was better, now you glad we waited.

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