First Week Home

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Mark pov
The first week home was rough, Tim always whined for something, whether it was a full diaper, that he was hungry or that he just wanted daddy or dada. We were restless the first few days home, because Tim had a premature digestive system so he had lots of gas build that made him uncomfortable, we just hope he isn't lactose intolerant, otherwise what are we going to feed him, and as weird as it may sound I like having Tim close in my arms, it makes me feel good knowing he's safe, and I know I sound like I'm being overprotective, but hey I want what's best for my kid, like every other parent would.
The Next Day
Mark woke feeling ill his throat revolted against him, he could barely talk, and he felt bad because he didn't want to leave Jack alone with the newborn with a premature digestive system, Tim would cry and squirm in discomfort and he doesn't want Jack to feel helpless and alone. Mark just finished feeding and burping Tim so he should be asleep for a couple hours so Jack can make a video.
Top of the morning to Ye ladies my names Jacksepticeye, and Mark is feeling ill and is asleep at the moment so I'm stuck with this little guy, lucky at him in his little Sam and Tim onesie, it's just adorable, Tim smiles at Jack, awe you gonna smile and say hi to the fans, ok so I went to get some milk for little Tim and stench was in the air,ok guys I think Tim needs daddy to wake up, if you like this video punch that like button in the face like a boss and I'll see all you dudes in the next video.
Mark, wake up, I need your help. With what, Jack? I've never changed a diaper. Ok Jack, Mark gets out of bed and walks to the nursery, and places Tim on the changing table , ok Jack first you undress him. Ok, Jack then unbuttons Tims onesie , and then you open the diaper. Jack was hesitant to but he finally managed to do so, and after doing so he started gagging, as he sprinted to the bathroom. Mark giggled, one day dada will learn how to change you, now let daddy get you all cleaned up. He placed Tim in his seat for the tub, Jack was still hanging over the toilet, Tims lip began to quiver because he felt guilty  for grossing his dada out. Want to help me give Tim a bath dada. Will it's something my stomach can probably take, once Tim is all clean they dress him and put him to bed.

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