Potty Training Tim

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Mark pov
We enter the store and Tim took off. Tim wai-.. Jack chases after him.Typical toddlers huh Sam. Sam smiles. Sam promise me you'll stay young, who am I kidding you are already a week old. In a few months I'll be 30 and Tim will be 2.

Jack pov
Tim come back here, Jack finds Tim in the toy aisle. Dada teddy, Tim we're here to get you big boy diapers. Teddy! Tim come on, Jack carries him to the toddler and infant aisle, to find Mark looking at training potties. Ok Tim pick what pull-ups you want, he points to the pull-ups with septiceye sam and tiny box tim on them.

Mark pov
Jack got a call from his parents saying they're flying in tonight. Jack heads to the airport and I'm with the kids, Tim lied down for a nap, and I started feeding Sam, and put her down as well, then I began making dinner for everyone, DADDY!! I sprint to Tims room he wasn't in there. Tim!! Daddy help, he was in the bathroom and had sunken into the toilet, Tim Oh my god!!! I snatch him up in my arms he clutched my shirt he was shaking so much poor little guy, then I felt a warm wet spot on my stomach, he was to scared to even notice that he peed on me, Tim I got you. I no wanna go potty no more. I clean him and myself up and continue making dinner. Jack and his parents walk in through the door. Gamma Gampa, Timmy!! Ok dinners ready. Daddy 'mere (come here). Daddy!!! Pee!!! Mark rushes Tim to the bathroom, sets him on the toilet and waits. Tim looks at Mark. What's the matter Tim? You do it. But I don't need to go. Pweez. Mark sighs, alright Mark grabs himself a water bottle, and Tim sits on his toddler potty watching his daddy. Mark then begins to chug the water, he then belches making Tim laugh. Then the nature took its course, Mark then flushes and washed his hands. Ok Tim that's exactly what you do. Get dada and gamma and gwampa Jack, Tims using the potty, they all rush to the bathroom seeing Tim standing on a step stool and peeing. They all cheer.

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