Doctors Appointment

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Running to the toilet for the third time this morning, Mark throws up last nights supper. He leans over feeling worried, it's been like this for weeks now, running to the toilet every morning a few times. It's at the point not even water can settle in his stomach. Mark groans while Jack walks into the room.
"Mark?" Jack says, rubbing Mark's back soothingly. Jack helped Mark from where he was collapsed on the floor and helped him get back into bed. Mark smiles at Jack weakly and closes his eyes. Not noticing the tears forming at Jack's eyes.
After helping Mark into bed, staring at his pale face and brown eyes that lost their sparkle, Jack couldn't fight back tears any longer and waited until Mark was asleep before breaking down. The Irishman is getting more and more worried about the American. Being as stubborn as Mark is, he has refused to go to the doctors even after weeks of being sick. Jack sighs before deciding enough is enough and dials the number for the local Doctor surgery.
"Hello? Yes do you have any appointments available today?....You do? Great!....Um yes it's Mark Fischbach...Mhm 28th of the 6th 1989...Ah thats brill that ye. Bye" Jack hangs up the phone and it almost feels like a weight has finally been lifted off his shoulders. If this means Mark can finally start getting better, he can be happy. Jack looks up at the clock, working out how long he has until he should wake Mark up. "3 hours" Jack thinks to himself. He thinks about how Mark will be upset at him but he doesn't care too much, it is hurting both him and Mark seeing him get weaker.
Jack smiles slightly before using the time to film a video that he could edit later. He scrolls through his tweets and comments to see what games fans are suggesting. He decides on one of the Trollface Quest games, knowing how much fun they are to film. It also helps him to unwind and relax, forgetting about the personal situation for a while.
2 hours of recording passes and Jack switches off the camera, feeling slightly bubbly and energetic and most importantly, happier. Jack leaves the recording room and makes a glass of water and some painkillers before padding along quietly to the bedroom. Jack pushes the door open and smiles at the mess of bedsheets and pillows with Mark curled up, snoring lightly. Jack resists the urge to get into bed with the American and spend the rest of the day there.
Jack climbs into bed and leans over Mark, kissing him all over his face. "Wake up ya lazy bastard! Ye left me all alone" Jack says before continuing kissing Mark.
Mark opens his eyes and smiles while wrapping a hand around the back of Jack's head and pulls him down to kiss him properly. Jack gladly kisses back before pulling away.
"Ah no! Come on you! Up ya get" Jack laughs while Mark tries to protest and hide under the duvet.
"mmmff no let's stay here where it's warm and cosy" Mark replies while trying to grab Jack again. Jack pulls the sheets away and shakes his head.
"Nuh uh you have a doctor's appointment in 1 hour an-"
"Sean! I am fine okay? Trust me I will get bet-"
"No Mark, listen to me! You are not okay and we both know that! I am so worried 'bout ya so get ready! No arguments! I will carry ya there if I have to." Jack says while grabbing a shirt and jeans for Mark. Mark laughs and sits up, smiling weakly.
"Carry me eh Jackaboy? Nah you don't have it in you" Mark says while moving to get out of bed. Jack takes a step closer.
"Oh yeah? Is that a challenge Markimoo?" He scoffs and winks before walking back to the bed and actually picked Mark up like he didn't weigh anything. Mark whined but looked at Jack, clearly amazing and maybe even slightly annoyed.
"Sean! Argh! Jesus christ put me down! Fine I will go to the fucking doctors if it makes you happy okay?" Mark said in defeat. Jack cheers and puts Mark down before pulling him closer and kissing him lightly on the lips. Jack mumbles a small thank you while Mark smirks and pulls away to get changed.
"I still don't see why you made me come here, it's just going to be some annoying infection or stomach bug not even that serious. You're being way to overprotective babe."
"Ah shut up will ya? You're 'ere 'cause you need to be checked over so stop being a fucking baby"
"I don't want to be here Jack, I don't even need to be here!"
"I know, but you and I both know somethin' is goin' on."
Mark sighed, it seemed no matter how hard he tried to protest, Jack wasn't having any of it. Mark was running out of energy so he slumped in his chair and folded his arms. Jack looked across and giggled at the sulking American. He reached across and grabbed is hand. Mark looked up and quickly pulled Jack in for a kiss. As much as Jack and Mark refrain from showing PDA in public incase of fans, Mark couldn't help himself.
"Mark Fischbach to room 2 please. That's Mark Fischbach to room 2. Thank you." The voice over the speaker called. Jack jumped up off his chair and helped the American up. Mark felt weak and shaky so it took longer to walk the short distance to the room. Mark knocks on the door and walks in first, Jack followed close by. He greeted the doctor and sat in the chair closest to him, while Jack stayed at the back of the room.
"Hello Mark, what seems to be the problem today? I see you asked for today so I assume it's important, yes?" The doctor starts, while looking at Mark and then at Jack.
Mark coughed and cleared his throat. "It wasn't me that rang, it was my...husband here. Anyway for the last few weeks I've been sick every morning and have lost all energy. Personally, I think it's a stomach bug." Mark explained while the doctor took notes down. Mark wished he was back at home, he still had some videos to edit and wanted to record some more too.
The doctor looked up at Mark after finishing his notes. "Okay so with the sickness, have you had any stomach cramps? Back cramps?" The doctor questioned, fingers on the keyboard ready to type more notes. Mark felt sick and looked at Jack. Jack spoke up and answered for him.
"Along with the sickness he has complained of stomach cramps in the lower area of his stomach. He has also said his back hurts sometimes but it's nothing painkillers can't ease so that's never worried us." Jack said. The doctor looked worried and confused.
He turned to Jack. "Is his sickness every morning? How many times?"
Jack thought for a moment. "Yeah it's been every morning. Today it was 3 times which is the worst it has ever been." Jack spoke quickly, noticing the worried look of the doctor.
"Hmm well this is rare" The doctor says. Both Jack and Mark look at the doctor. Mark started panicking, Jack walked over and squeezed his shoulders, trying to reassure him. The doctor stood up and walked to the corner of the room, grabbing some rubber gloves and putting them on. He walked back over to the worried couple and coughed to clear his throat. "Now Mark, would you mind to lie down on this bench here? I would like to have a feel around your stomach if that's okay?" He says. Mark nodded and stood up and walked the few steps to the bench and lay down.
The doctor presses around his stomach, from around the top until the just above the American's jeans. The doctor hummed every now and then, confirming his suspicions but then had another worried look on his face. As Mark sits up, the doctor takes his gloved off and washes his hands before sitting back at his desk. "Well Mark, as I had thought, It seems that you have MWS" ((A/N This is obviously made up, and I couldn't think of a smart-ass medical name to seem realistic))
Mark froze and panicked more, he had never heard of MWS. "W-whats that?" He said shakily, trying to use what little strength he had left at this point.
The doctor looked directly at the couple, finding it hard to break the news to them. "Ummm well errr I'm afraid to say it means Male Womb Syndrome."
Both Mark and Jack looked at each other, hearts stopping. They turn to look at the doctor who looks uncomfortable but continues.
"MWS is a very rare condition that effects only around 1 in a million males. Your body seems to have a functioning womb. It is quite small but it can still hold...A baby"

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