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Jack was the first one to wake up because Chica wanted to go out so he got up smiled at Mark who was sleeping so peaceful . Jack let Chica out then went and made some breakfast for him and Mark he was going to surprise MaRk with breakfast in bed . After finishing breakfast and plating it and putting it on the tray with some OJ Mark went and let Chica back in and then he went to pick up the tray . Jack and Chica went into the bedroom and Chica got up on the bed and started licking Marks face trying to wake him up for Jack. Soon Jack was awake and petting Chica after sitting up . Mark sat down and told Chica to get down she listened after she was down Jack showed Mark that he made breakfast for them . Mark kissed Jack on the cheek and said this is lovely then took the tray.
1 Month later
Mark woke up sometime in the early morning it was still dark out he was feeling sick and he ran to the bathroom . Jack woke up hearing Mark in the bathroom he didn't know how long Mark had been in there but he didn't like that the love of his life was up when he should be asleep and getting sick. Jack slowly came into the bathroom and got down on his knees and started rubbing slow cycles on Mark's back this went on for a few more mins . Once Mark felt like he was done he went and laid his head back on the cold tiles of the wall . Mark joined Jack on the wall Mark looked at Jack and finally said sorry for waking you up babe . Jack looked back at Mark and said come on babe let get you back in bed and Mark nodded . Jack was the first one to get up then he helped Mark up and they went back to bed.
Jack woke up first he smiled at his lover and kissed him to wake him up because today was a big day they had to pack to go do a panel somewhere in a few days and they need to start packing because they had to be at the airport soon . It wasn't long before Mark was up and kissing Jack back while pulling Mark close . Soon Jack said we have to get packing we have to be at the airport soon Mark sighed then gave Jack one last kiss before they both got up . Once they had packed some Jack asked Mark if they could stop for a few to have some lunch . Mark nods and then puts one last thing in one of his bags . Jack walked over to Mark and took his hand then they left and went to the kitchen .Jack set at the table while Jack took out the things he would need to make them sandwiches . While Jack was making the sandwiches Mark decided he would get them some drinks he looked over at Jack and asked him what he would like to drink and Jack said that he would like a beer so Mark got out a beer for Jack and a bottle of water for himself . Mark thought he would be nice and open Jack's Beer for him and oh what a bad idea that was because as soon as Mark got one sniff of the beer he instantly dropped the bottle on the floor Jack looked at Mark with worry as he started to ask if he was OK but before Jack could get out the words are you o... Mark was running out of the room and off to the bathroom . Jack stopped making the sandwiches and went to go check on Mark this was the second time in less then twenty-four hours that Mark had gotten sick like this . Jack slowly walked into the bathroom Mark still had his head in the toilet when Jack walked in . Jack sat on the edge of the tub and slowly rubbed Mark's back in hopes to try and make him feel better . It only took 20 mins before Mark was able to take his head out of the toilet . Jack finally asked Mark if they should still go on this trip because his health meant more to him then going and doing some stupid panel . Mark looked at Jack and said we have to go even if someone steps in for me you can't miss out on your own panel . Jack nodded in agreement but not really wanting to agree so after a few more moments they finally got up and after brushing his teeth Mark went to the kitchen to clean up the bottle on the floor .
Jack saw Mark getting the broom out and went and stopped him Jack said babe I love you but you are not going to be cleaning that the last thing we need is for you to be back in the bathroom over the smell Mark nodded . Then went and finished making the sandwiches while Jack cleaned up .Once Jack had finished cleaning he got himself a bottle of water and sat at the table with Mark, Mark gave Jack his plate that had a sandwich , chips and a banana on it . Jack looked at the banana then at Mark then said why the banana ? Mark just said I don't know I just really wanted one and thought you might like one too . Jack smiled and said well thanks babe and they started eating .
Once they had finished eating they went back to packing the last little bit of things they would need . Jack took Mark's hand and pulled him close and kissed him deep then said I love you so much . Mark smiled and then kissed Jack more . After a few mins of making out Jack looked at the clock and said that it was time to get heading to the airport so he grabbed his and Mark's bags then took Mark's hand and they left . Mark decided to to let Jack drive and Jack was more then willing seeing that Jack had done so much for him. Once they got to the airport they got out and Mark got their bags and walked over to Jack and took his hand . they then started walking into the airport Mark then told Jack to go have a seat and he would go check their bags in and pick up their tickets . Jack was sitting while Mark checked their bags in . All of a sudden Mark started feeling like he was going to get sick again so he ran off to the bathroom. Jack turned around just in time to see Mark get up and run . Jack sighed then went to see if Mark was OK . Once Jack's head reached the bathroom he could hear Mark getting sick he felt so helpless he wished Mark wasn't getting sick again .
Mark kept getting sick for a few more mins but after he was done he left the stall he saw Jack and felt bad for messing up this trip they walked over to the sink and Mark brushed his teeth with a travel size brush and paste . Once Mark was done he finally told Jack that he was sorry for being sick when they have to get on a plane soon . Jack just looked at Mark and said babe it's OK you have nothing to be sorry for we all get sick sometimes this made Mark smile then he took Jack's hand and kissed it before leaving the bathroom . They then went to find their gate . Once they found it they had a seat and waited to get on . It was about 45 mins later and when Mark finally said I'm starving can we please go get some food while we wait . Jack looked at him for a moment then said do you think you can handle it I mean I don't want you getting sick again . Mark nodded then said I will try something light as he got up .

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