Chapter 3

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As i sat down Miss Paige dumped all the folders in the ground. 'Jessie. I believe you have heard that Teresa is entering the experiment shortly.'
'Um yeah she told me.' I said quietly. 'Well we need someone to replace her job so we were thinking you. All you have to do is sit infront of the monitors and observe the subjects in the maze.'

I tensed at the word 'subjects' but realised I should hold my tounge. 'So are you willing to take the job?' Miss Paige asked as I stood up. 'Absolutely when do i start?'
'Right now' she said getting up from her chair and walking out he door. I scurried after her. Her tall high heels clicked against the tiles as she turned into a room with monitors everywhere

'This is were you will stay. All you have to do is watch the screens and if anything happens just run to one if the guards in the hall and they will tell me immediately.' She beamed as she patted me on the back. 'Now get to work.' She said gleefully as she walked out of the room, her shoes clacking.

I went over to a chair and sat down and started clicking the screen as different views of the glade popped up. I was desperately looking for Newt but couldn't see him anywhere so I decided to learn the controls for this computer. 2 hours later and I was a pro flicking from screen to screen when I suddenly saw a boy with dirty blonde hair and my eyes instantly filled with tears but then I saw him limping and knew something was wrong...

A few hours later

'Hey kid its time to go back to your room.' The guard mumbled as I got up from my seat and walked out the door. The whole day I had been following Newt around the maze. Not once taking my eyes off him. My brother had changed alot. His skin was more tanned, his hair seemed darker and he was plain old dirty with grease stains on his clothes and dirt from the gardens all over him. I wonder if he remembers me. Without even realising it I am at the door of my room. I turn the knob and push it open and step in. The whole day was tiring. So many tears from seeing Newt. So I decided to sleep early. Eager to see newt again the next day.

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