Chapter 21

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We have been walking through the Maze for about one hour

'If the creator took Jessie out of the maze, why did they bring me into it?' Jessie asks as we turned another corner of the endless maze.

'Im not sure.' I said as Tessa just nodded.

Suddnely Minho stops us.
'The path that we found that leads to the exit is just up ahead'  Minho said as he kept walking.
Minho went around a corner when he suddenly runs back.
'Shit!' Minho says as he peers around the corner

'What is it?' I ask as Tessa looks at me worriedly.

'Griever.' Is all Minho said.

'We gotta fight.' Winston says

'OK Tessa, Chuck and Teresa go to the exit and the rest will fight!' Thomas yells as the Gladers hold up their weapons.

I walked over to Chuck.

'Chuck you've gotta look after Tessa. Do you promise me? I asked looking at Chuck sternly.

'I promise I will look after her' he says grabbing Tessa's hand and smiling.

I give Tessa a hug as I run to battle with the other Gladers.

We all ran around the corner to see a big blubbery creature with metal arms and a blubbery slimy body. It looks like it ways a few tons.

We all run towards it will our spears raised. We fight as gloop from the greiver floods the floor coming up to my ankles we fight and stab the greiver

Suddenly I hear Tessa scream...

Tessa's POV

As the Gladers run to fight the Greiver me Teresa and Chuck sneak past them.

The Greiver suddenly stepped back inches from Chuck and I.

Suddenly the metal thing in Chucks hand flew from his hand and rolled towards the edge of the cliff

'Shit!!' Chuck yelled as we both ran for it.

I leaped for it and caught it but I rolled off the cliff.

As I thought it was my last moments a hand grabbed mine.

I screamed as I dangled over the edge.

'Help!!!' Chuck screamed as he struggled to hold me.

I threw the thing from the Greiver up and gripped onto Chuck with both hands

Newts POV

I run over to chuck to see Tessa hanging over the edge

I grabbed her under the arms and pulled her up

She clutched onto me. I could see the panic and fear in her eyes.

I grabbed her hand to see it shaking. I tried to steady it as I lift her up and run to the exit.

Teresa is already there tapping at a key pad.

'It needs a password!' Teresa screamed as I ran over to her.

'How many digits?' Minho screamed as he plunged a spear into the blubber of a Greiver. It responded by pulling it out and grabbing a Glader.

I looked away not wanting to see the outcome.

'8!' She screams.

'Minho whats the sequence for the sections of the maze!?' I yell as Minho dodges another Greiver.

As he yells out each number Teresa types them in

Suddenly the counting stopped. We all looked over at Minho To see him pinned down by a Griever.

Suddenly a Glader ran out and repeatedly stabbed the Griever while Minho quickly slipped out.

In less than 5 seconds he was gone.

Minho finished the password as a hatch in the wall opens to see a little elevator.

We all pile into it when we see a Griever step out from around the corner looking at us as if we were just a snack.

It began running at us when suddenly a spear flies out and hits it right in the eye leaving us just enough time for the elevator door to close....

A/n I'm sorry this chapter is crap I'm trying to finish this story so i can start a newtmas (Thomas and newt) story so I'm sorry but I'm going to rush the ending of this book

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