Chapter 43 "War zone"

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I flutter my eyes open gasping for air as I feel icy cold water thrown at my face. The long hair blonde guy and bald guy are snorting pointing their fingers at us.

"Both of you look so beat up", the bald guy chuckles.

I throw them a stern glare not finding none of this funny. I mean I'm sure my face is fucked up after getting repeatedly slapped and punched twice on the face by fucking men.

I glance at Jacky noticing a huge black eye on her right side. My heart breaks seeing her like this. I can only imagine how I look.

"Why are we here?!", I hiss suddenly feeling some type of courage.

"Your so stupid isn't it obvious it's because of your boyfriend", the bald guy sneers.

"Santos talked to him already now let us go!", I demand.

The two of them look at each other before busting out in laughter.

"We still need you here to get Jason to come to us and finally kill those three idiots!", the long hair blonde guy evilly grins.

"You idiot, I doubt you were suppose to give out that much information!", the bald guy nudges the blonde hair guy on the side of his stomach.

I instantly feel excruciating worry for Jason. There's no way I want him to get hurt.

"I'll pay you guys whatever you need!", I splutter.

I can hear Jacky grunting shaking her head at me. She's still has her mouth duck taped, so she can't speak.

"How much?", the bald guy raises his brow.

"Anything I'm beyond wealthy", I respond.

"Boss might like this new offer", the blonde hair guy says.

"Lets go inform him of her request", the bald guy responds exiting the room.

Jacky throws me a stern glare and I just slump my shoulders down.

A few hours later the wooden door bursts open revealing Santos. He barges in beaming at me.

"So I was informed of your offer", he raises a brow at me.

"I'll pay you anything for us to be set free and for you to leave Jason and them alone", I nervously utter.

Santos takes a moment to think about what I just offered to him before saying, "No".

"No?", I huff.

"Do you really think McCann would just drop this even if you paid me and I'd leave you guys alone? That psychopath would still hunt me down and kill me", he chuckles.

I stay quiet not knowing what to say to convince him. We both know that Jason will go after him and not rest until he's dead especially after everything that has happened.

"So before McCann comes. I'm going to have some fun with you", Santos smirks grabbing me by the arm making me stand up to my feet.

I yell and shout for him to not touch me for him to have a heart and not hurt me. Jacky's eyes widen horrified screaming, but the tape doesn't let her speak clear.

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