Chapter 93 "Witnesses?"

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As soon as those dreadful words slipped out of his mouth, my knees weakened no longer being able to support my body weight. I helplessly collapse not being able to grab onto someone. However, my father managed to catch me before I completely hit the floor.

"This can't be happening!", I screech tears sliding down my cheeks.

It's like the world doesn't want Jason and I to be together. No matter what happens, Jason's freedom is always threatened.

"Me being a witness should be enough to free him!", I grumble.

"You're a witness of him saving you from his father, but the one who spluttered the truth to you is dead", Mr. Curry explains.

"I would be dead if he was alive to even dare confess"

"The only thing we can hope for is to get a plead deal with your testimony Aleysa"

"It better be a damn good plead Mr. Curry!", I spat clenching my jaw.

"Aleysa!", my mother chirps angrily.

"It's only you as a witness.. If we had more then it would be a bigger chance of getting a good deal"

I sigh frustratedly deep down knowing he's absolutely right.

"Let's go make the report", my father steers the subject grabbing my shoulder.

"Not so fast!"

A familiar voice hastily splutters bringing my father, mother, and I into a halt before turning around away from Mr. curry.

My eyes lock with those beautiful grey eyes only belonging to the one and only Jacklyn. My eyes widen as I see the entire gang approach us, but that's not what has me surprised at all. It's that fact that Mr. Collin, Jacky's father is beside them.

"We're all witnesses", Tiny firmly says beaming at Mr. Curry.

I would be so delighted right now being reunited with my friends that I dearly missed, but with all of this crazy drama with Jason, I am unable to move just intently beaming at them.

"Who are you all?", Mr. Curry raises a brow confusedly.

"We are Aleysa's friends and witnesses of Jason risking his life to save his wife and unborn child", Isaac says crossing his arms across his chest.

"That's Magnificent this sure should help Jason's case"

"Thank you guys", I smile gratefully for each  one of them. These individuals standing in the same hallway room as me are my family. We may disagree on many things, but in the end of the day we always have each other's back.

Just as we were about turn around to make our way to the police to make the reports, Isaac splutters, "One more thing", he says.

We all lock eyes with his blue ones not sure on what he's about to say.

"Trey Silverman is the witness of Alessandra's murder... Jason is innocent"

My heart thumps uncontrollably completely stunned by this. Not too long ago, I was getting stabbed by bad news and now miraculously, there's witnesses popping for Jason's sake. However, never in a million years would I think there was an actual witness behind Alessandra's murder which is what has Jason is being pinned down for threatening to destroy his life.

"Trey was hired to kill Jason back in Juvie by John McCann... Ace confided in Trey specifically detailing how Ace dressed up like Jason wearing a blonde wig to incriminate him for the murder", Isaac utters.

"We all need to go now and make these reports", Mr. Curry hastily responds his entire face expression changing into a positive and confident one.

"Let's go!", I squeak out of joy turning my heel around sprinting towards the exit.

As I run, my hair flaps all over the place by my speed. I feel such hope I haven't felt these past days. I have no idea how Isaac managed to get Trey to throw Ace under the bus even though he is dead, unless that's why he's talking since he has nothing to be afraid of anymore since two monsters are gone from the world no longer being able to hurt anyone else.

Bursting through the door holding it open for everyone to exit the building to get our reports made and registered for tomorrow's big court day, I can't help, but smile wide until something amazing happened.

I felt my baby move inside of me making everything freeze for a moment. I haven't felt this unknown feeling before, so experiencing this for the first time has me incredibly astonished.

After everything I've been through especially these past few days. My son has been strong just like his father. The only reason, I've been strong myself is all because of this little bean inside of me. He gives me unexplainable strength.


"Is that all of the witnesses?", the cop raises a brow.

"Yes ma'am", Mr. curry responds.

We have all already made our reports and even agreed to go on stand during Jason's court. Positivity is all I feel within me as everything is settling into place for Jason.

"Trey Silverman will be interviewed by you is that right?, the cop asks placing all of the police reports inside a large file with the name Jason McCann on top of it.

"Yes", Mr. Curry nods.

"Alright, well to be honest with all of you due to your testimonies and having Trey Silverman speak his testimony declaring that Jason McCann is in fact innocent in Alessandra Kavano's death.. things are looking promising for McCann"

"How promising?", I question unable to hold back my curiosity.

"Jason McCann might just be let free"

"Jason McCann might just be let free"

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Next chapter will be the finale!

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- Giavanni 🖤

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