You need him and he hears you call.

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You sat at home alone, Derek had been to busy lately to hang out and right now you needed him.
Your parents had started fighting again and you mom hit you for no reason, it got so bad that you screamed for Derek, knowing his wolf ears would here it. You cried and crawled into the corner, your parents going into the other room to drink some more. They didn't act like this but something had changed.

You heard a noise and slowly turned to your window, seeing Derek crawling through it ''alright who's dieing'' he said and looked around your room ''Derek it's fine just my parents, they're drunk'' you said and he huffed ''come on'' he said and helped you up ''where are we going?'' you asked ''back to my place, they're not touching you again'' he said and held you tightly as he jumped out the window.


You were fast asleep, not having the best dream ever. You were having the worst dream ever and thrashed around "AHHH" you screamed as you awoke, tears falling fast down your face.
"Scott" you yelled and sat up, crying into your hands. You soon heard footsteps on your roof and jumped out of bed. Rushing over to the window, sliding it open "Scott" you said as he rushed threw and grabbed you into his arms "I'm here, it's ok, I'm here" he soothed you as you cried.

You told him about the dream and how you saw him killed by Deucalion. He kissed you every time you started to cry again and stayed with you all night long. Making you feel better that he was with you, alive.


It was just another boring day at school. You were just walking down the hallway, not really looking at anyone since Stiles was no where to be found.

You huffed and pulled your back pack closer up on your back. Looking around the halls "hey their" you heard a voice say and turned to see a guy coming closer to you "what do you want?" You asked as you kept walking "just to talk to you" he said and pulled your back pack back to him "leave me alone" you said and struggled "STILES" you screamed seeing him pass one of the halls, quickly coming back and seeing you "HEY LET HER GO" he yelled and ran up to you, pushing the guy "come on" he said and stayed with you all day, missing all his classes.


You were a track runner. You had track practice after school and was already started on the trail.

Isaac was probably home by now and all you could think of was him. The way you to kiss and talk.
You were so caught up that you didn't see the rock and tripped. Falling face first you landed wrong on your arm "AHHH" you screamed and rolled over in pain.
You laid there for a good ten minutes before you saw Isaac come around a corner "(Y/N)" he yelled and ran over to you, picking you up in his arms. "Hold on" he said as he raced off with you, telling you he'd never leave you alone again.


You had late band practice after school one day.

You had told Aiden that you'd meet him after practice and after you were threw and everyone was gone, you found yourself alone in the dark school. "Aiden" you called as you walked around the halls, hearing footsteps and growls "Aiden this isn't funny" you called again and heard a louder growl in response "oh god" you said and started to run. Turning each corner with tears "(Y/N)" you heard your name and turned to see Aiden "where were you?" You asked and ran to him "sorry I was late" he said and hugged you tightly, telling you everything.


It was just another night. Your parents were at work and wouldn't get home until midnight.

You recently sat in your room, reading one of your favorite books when you heard what sounded like footsteps in your kitchen "hey, why you guys back so early" you called and got no response "guys" you called again and stood up, scared "guys" you called again as you exited your room and into the hall "Ethan is that you?" You asked and still got nothing "oh oh, god" you said and ran to your room, locking the door.
You started to cry but stopped when your window opened "ahh" you screamed as you turned around "shh shh" Ethan soothed you and hugged you "let me go see" he said and went to check, saying it was a stray cat that had came in threw the window.

Teen wolf preference'sTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang