You Gain Weight And He Doesn't Notice. (Requested by Zineb)

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It was beyond terrible. You weighed twenty two pounds more than last month, and it wasn't normal. At first you thought you were pregnant, but after testing it, you were beyond upset to know you weren't.

Derek hadn't noticed you wearing looser clothes. Nor did he notice when you ate lesser amounts of food at dinner. You'd thought he didn't care, but as time went on; he started to get suspicious. "(Y/n) what's going on with you?" You stopped mid-way up the stairs and turned to gaze at Derek behind you, "what do you mean?" Derek only sighed and grabbed you by the waist, pulling you backwards into him. "You've stopped eating. You're bummed out all the time, I can smell it all over you; you're upset about something. Tell me."

You sighed and started to tear up. You knew you had to tell him sometime, "I've gained......and I can't loose it!" He smiles and pulls you closer into his chest. "Is that why you've been acting so weird? Baby you look perfect in every way possible! I'll make you a deal, we'll start going to a gym and you'll start eating again, ok?" You chuckled and nodded, "deal. But only because you're so darn cute."


You were tired. So tired of being called fat and overweight. Scott had told you he didn't care, that he loved you just the way you are; but even you saw that you were to fat for him. That he deserved better girls than you.

You had come home from work crying again. Tears flooding your face faster than a jet stream, and once Scott entered your room and saw you; he knew immediately what had happened. "Who was it this time! He did it again didn't he! Fucking Jackson!" You chuckled at him and whipped your tears, "stop being so negative. At least he's honest." Scott sighed and walked closer to you, "(Y/n) you're loosing weight, I can see it. Going to the gym like you do, eating like you do. You'll be skinny in no time, but for right now I like you how you are. You're the beautifulest thing my eyes ever landed on, and that's never going to change."

You smiled and blushed deeply. Every time he went all sweet and soft on you, you felt as if your whole world, was being lifted from your shoulders. "What would I do without you?" Scott chuckles and picks you up swiftly, "you'd be normal." You laughed loudly and watched as Scott plopped you down on the bed. His tall figure acting like a skyscraper to you as he slowly lowered himself down upon you, "tonight's going to be a long night for you missy."


You and Stiles were at the mall. Laughing, having a great time goofing off. But as you two were in a clothes store getting sized for matching outfits, only then did you finally realize what junking and laying around all day with Stiles would cause.

You raced out of the clothing store. About to break down crying, Stiles runs up behind you and stops you. Turning you around quickly to look at him, "(Y/n) what's the matter? Did I do something? Did they make you uncomfortable, cause we can leave!" You smiled and shook your head. "No! They just told me my weight and I raised two sizes!" Stiles sighs and takes you in his arms. He'd never realized you were gaining, nor did he care if you did. He just loves you the way you are. "(Y/n)! I'm sorry I never noticed you were gaining, but babe, I don't care if you did. I think you've never looked more beautiful." You smile and lock your lips with his. You are so happy you'd gotten the chance to meet him, you don't know what you would've done if you didn't.


It was your and Isaac's dinner date.
You'd ate so much cake, that when you went home with Isaac that night, you were devastated.

Almost in tears, you stood in your bedroom and tried so hard to zip your favorite pair of jeans. It was no use. For the past month all that you'd ate was junk, and now, now you paid the price. "(Y/n) are you ok? Need some help?" You whined and stopped pulling. All you could do now was nod and hope he could get them zipped, "they won't zip."

Isaac walked in front of you, taking your zipper in his fingertips. "You wore these just the other day. Why won't they go on?" You lowered your head as a tear slipped out. You couldn't believe he didn't notice you'd gained weight. "Isaac! I've gained weight. Can't you see, I'm freaking fat!" Isaac grabbed your hands, "why would I notice. You look perfect every time I see you." You giggled and allowed him to lift your sleeping shirt. "See....still beautiful," you laughed and shook away from his fingers, but your movements only made him attack you. Torturing you until you admitted never to call yourself fat again.


You and Aiden were having a lazy day. Movies, games, cuddling, it was everything you loved to do all packed into one day.

You'd been cuddling with Aiden for the past two hours. He was asleep beside you, his hand resting on your waist. You'd tried to move his hand, seeing as it was getting to close to your stomach, and god knows you didn't want him to find out you were fat. "Mmh.....babe what are you doing?" You froze, quickly dropping your hold on his hand and shut your eyes. "Nothing. Your hand was just cold."

Aiden wasn't buying it. Instead of leaving it alone, he slowly and gently placed his hand back on your waist, slowly sliding it down to your stomach area. "Aiden don't. You won't like what you see!" He scoffed. Lightly tickled your tummy and placed a hand on your cheek. "And why is that?" You sighed and pulled up your shirt, letting his eyes wonder over your exposed belly. "I'm fat," you whispered, trying not to pay attention as he gave you a funny look, "like hell you are. (Y/n) promise me you will never say that again!" You smiled as he pulled you closer, "I promise."

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