Your First Big Fight And How He Makes It Up To You

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It was the night after your huge fight. You were alone in your shared apartment, crying silently at all the memories as you flipped through your scrapbook. You knew Derek didn't mean half the things he said, but just hearing him say them, it broke your heart. "(Y/n)? Can I come in?" You huffed, you hadn't head him pull up but. Why was he here? "Sure! Just a moment!" You stood from the couch, quickly whipping your tears away as you hid your scrapbook, "come in," Derek slowly entered, his hands behind folded behind his back, he pulled out a huge jar of roses. "Derek! Do you really think it's that easy!" He sighed and shook his head, "no! But I know what will," you turned your head, blocking his figure out as he approached you, "(Y/n) look at me, please." You turned your head slowly, your eyes taking in his figure as he stood rather close to you. "Please forgive me (Y/n). I never meant to hurt you, I was just to stupid and hard headed to listen to you. Pleas-" your lips connected with his. Your bodies curving into each other's forms as you moved in sync, "stop apologizing with words! You know what I want!" Derek smiled and picked you up in his arms, he knew exactly what you wanted.


It had been an hour since you'd seen Scott. An hour since he'd told you to leave, to just get out and never call him again. You'd listened, grabbed your things and left, but none of this would have happened if he'd listened to you. It wasn't even your fault, you were just in the wrong place, at the wrong time.

You let a tear slip your eye as the cold winter breeze hit you. You had no where to go and Scott knew that, but what did he care, he only listened to the parts he wanted to hear anyways. "(Y/n)!" You shook your head, thinking you imagined his voice screaming after you, but you knew he wasn't there. It was only when hands grabbed you that you screamed, shut your eyes tight and let the person flip you around. "(Y/n)!" You let out a sob, it was him, he'd actually chased after you. "What Scott! Come to take the jacket you bought me back!" There was silence, he didn't bother speak and let you go. You opened your eyes and glared at him, he'd been crying. "Here! Take it! I'd rather freeze!" You took off your jacket, folding it nicely and threw it at him. You were just about to leave when he stopped you, flipped you around with his strong arms and pulled you into him. It was a surprise at first and you fought, but he was to strong and when you finally gave up, the two of you walled in a peaceful silence the rest of the way home. Where Scott fixed you dinner and apologized with late night kisses.


Yes! You and Stiles had, had your first fight. It wasn't a huge one, but it was enough to jar you. Enough to make you toss and turn at night, waking Stiles beside you.

At first he just laid back down and blew you off. Still mad about earlier that day, but when you started to struggle for the second time, that's when Stiles rose up. Taking your arms in his, he gently shook you awake, but you shoved him off. You couldn't tell him the nightmare was about him, he'd think you were crazy, but all you could do was replay it. Watch your nightmare slowly come to life as you and Stiles drifted apart. "Stiles, you awake!" You asked, your voice coming out shaky and cold, "yeah!" You dropped back down and sobbed quietly, he tried to help you and you'd shoved him off, it was what you always did. "(Y/n), you alright?" You cried and shook your head, you were really scared at this point but stopped when arms snaked around you. Big warm arms holding you tightly against him, "shh, just sleep. We'll talk in the morning."


It was your first fight. You and Isaac had screamed at each other for hours, but eventually you'd had enough and gave in. Stomping up to your shared room where you slammed the door.

You were so mad at Isaac, he never told you anything. Where he was going, where's this place he works at everyday, and your favorite, who else are you seeing? You were tired of it, of all the lies, but never did you think you'd hear him cry. "(Y/n) please let me in," you shook, stayed silent and unlocked the door. "(Y/n) are you ok? Please baby turn around." You stayed still, waited for him to move in front of you and that's when you looked at him. Your eyes full of tears, you held your wrist to your chest, "oh my god, this is all my fault. I've scared you so bad you won't even speak. This is all (bang) my fault!" You shook, snapped out of your thoughts when your lamp smashed against your wall. You turned and glared at Isaac, ready to scream but instead you raced over to him. Took him in your arms and cradled him, "hey hey, it's ok. It's not your fault, shh, I'm here." You never fought after that night, never disagreed on anything and Isaac finally told you the truth, and it didn't scare you.


It was like a nightmare that came to life. One of your biggest fears brought before your eyes as you watched him, screaming and yelling back at you, he hadn't realized his claws were out until he grabbed your wrist. Squeezing them until large amounts of blood filled his hands, "(Y/n), oh my god no! No!" He back away, looking at you as if he'd hurt the only thing he loved and you gulped. Sobbed loudly and dashed for your room.

You never thought Aiden would be the one to hurt you. To scare you so badly that you hid in the corner of your room, "(Y/n) you in here?" You sat still, waiting until he found you to back away. Pressing your back hardly against the wall when he reached for you, you were terrified of him and seeing the look of hurt wash over his face made you realize, you couldn't let it end like this. "Aid!" You called after him, hoping he was still in the house, "I need you!" That's when you felt you body being lifted, squeezed by huge arms with loud sobs echoing above you. "I love you so much! Please forgive me!" You pulled away and smiled, "I will always forgive you, now kiss me and let's forget it ever happened!" Aiden smiled and nodded, locking your lips with his the two of you soon passed out. Peacefully wrapped in each other's arms.


Fighting. It was never a word you'd ever thought you'd think of, but yet here you were. Crying loudly on the sidewalk of some park, wishing you had Ethan here to warm you.

You'd lost track of what time it was, lost track of everything for all you could think about were his last words, "just LEAVE! Can't you see I don't want you anymore!" You sobbed loudly, squeezing your head in your hands, you never bothered to look up. To make sure that no one heard you, saw you, but yet all you could focus on was, Ethan! You shook backwards, the hands that had been placed on yours disappearing as you squinted to focus. "Ethan! I thought-" he stopped you, shushing you quietly as he took your small figure in his arms, "I'm so sorry (Y/n). I never meant to say those words, I was just mad." You chuckled and rose up, "I know, can we go home and talk, it's freezing," Ethan grinned and nodded, wrapping you up in his arms as you walked home quietly.

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