What You Do For Valentines Day.

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On Valentines day. You and Derek usually wake up extra early. Seeing as you spent the night together, you exchange gifts and laugh at the ridiculous things the both of you picked out.

Afterwards you have a heated make out session that usually last the rest of the day. But it ain't long before Derek lets you take control, because you know what drives him crazy. "I love you so much (Y/n)!" He screams, grinning to high heaven as you go down on him.


On Valentines day, you sneak into Scott room at five in the morning. Knowing the night before he was out with the pack, planning what he was going to get you to make this Valentines day, "the best yet!" You scoped his room, looking for anything out of the ordinary but stopped when you heard a grunt from the bed. "You seriously thought I wouldn't hear you. (Y/n) I'm a true alpha," you just grinned and turned around. Watching as Scott climbed out of bed and pulled you on his lap, "is this what you were looking for?" You grinned as you felt Scott's hand go behind your neck. There was a cold feeling, but then you looked down to see a necklace. It had a moon charm and you just attacked Scott with kisses, some he surely needed.


On Valentines day, you and Stiles skip school. Letting your parents know your at school, but then ditching once first period ends.

The two of you sneak out into the forest. Book bags filled with food and other things, you have a picnic. Eating and talking about the future, it doesn't last long before the school calls your parents, but they think it's kind of cute. You still get grounded though, but Stiles has a way around that.


On Valentines day. You and Isaac skip town. Take a three day vacation to anywhere besides Beacon Hills, just to be sure nothing ruins your heated dates. "I love you so much!" You call, hoping Isaac would hear you as you ran around the forest. It was Isaac's idea to play catch, you were never truly up for it, but after feeling two arms snack around your waist. His hot breath tickling the back of your neck, you knew that tonight was going to be a special night, and nothing or no one was going to stop it.


On Valentines day. You and Aiden spend times cuddling. Wrapped up tight in each other's arms, you quietly tell each other scary stories. Laughing when the thunder would roar, making you both jump.

Aiden was the one to get sleepy first. He'd never had a love like yours before, and told you almost everyday how special you were to him. "Before I fall asleep, I want to try something?" You smiled, nodding your head slowly as he leaned in. His lips connecting with yours, you felt his tongue ask for entrance. You smiled into the kiss and granted it, letting his tongue slip deep within your mouth. "Was that your first French kiss?" You asked, leaning up on your elbow. Aiden smiled and blushed, it was his first French kiss and he had it with you.


On Valentines day. Ethan wakes you up with kisses, love bites, and the smell of breakfast. Ethan was always the better cook in the relationship, and right after sharing a couple heated kisses, you were up and headed for the kitchen.

You never expected when you got there, there'd be gifts. A small black box sat next to your plate, and as you opened it, your mouth dropped. Ethan had gotten you the bracelet you'd had a fit over for the past three months, it was a seven hundred dollar bracelet with real diamonds. You smiled at Ethan and attacked him while he was eating, "babe! Boy trying to eat, don't wanna chock!" You just smiled bigger and squeezed him, his arms coming up to place you on his lap, "told you your special!"

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