He Finds Out Your Something Else Supernatural.

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You're kind of like a mutant off of X-man. You can lift things with your mind and the night Derek found out was completely on accident.

You two were wrestling (not sexually) and you reached for a pillow, but it rolled away from your grasp. You thought Derek wouldn't see if you moved it towards you, but as it shot towards you at lightning speed, Derek flipped and backed away from you. "Did you just move that towards you without touching it?" He asked you. All you did was nod and lower your head, ashamed at yourself, but Derek noticed and lifted you back up. "Hey, I didn't mean it badly or anything. I think it's cool! Can you show me more?" You smiled and nodded, hoping he'd except you as a supernatural being.


You're a vampire. You knew by saying yes to dating Scott that you'd have to hide it from him, but after accidentally going out in the sun on one of your dates; things took a turn for the worst.

You currently sat in the hospital with Scott and his mom. He wouldn't look or talk to you since they got done examining you, but you were fine, you could heal on your own. "(Y/n)! Please just answer me something!" Scott called, yanking you into a dark corner away from everyone. You gulped and nodded, showing him your fangs. He took a step back before smiling at you and taking your hand in his, "now it all makes since! I always wondered why your teeth were so sharpe when you bit me-" you smacked him and smiled, "shut up you idiot!"


You're a hunter. Stiles found out one day while surprising you at your house, on training day. He seen you fighting your dad with battle knives and stood open mouthed.

Your father told you to just go ahead and tell him, you'd promised your dad you'd tell no one. "Stiles I-" but he stopped you by pushing his finger against your lips, "don't........this is way to cool! I've got a badass girlfriend, yes!" He cheered, fist pumping the air. You smiled and took him by the arms, pulling him against your body, "but she's also wild," Stiles gulped and nodded, "not taken," he added after smirking at you.


You're half angel. Meaning you have huge white wings, wings that will sometimes shoot out if you get angry. Which indeed is how Isaac found out.

You and Isaac were in a heated argument. He'd seen you hugging another guy that of course he wouldn't let you explain was your brother, "Isaac! HE WAS MY BROTHER!" You shouted, you wings shooting out upon you last word. Isaac just stared at you in awe, his hands coming up to caress them as you jerked away cautiously. "I'm so sorry (Y/n), I didn't know. How long have you had those?" You smiled and turned your head, "all my life." Isaac sighed and moved closed to you, "I feel like such an idiot, I'm so sorry!" You smiled and turned to him, smiling as you locked your lips with his.


You're fast. Like superhuman fast, and Aiden found out forcefully. You and Aiden were on a date. A normal everyday date that just happened to go wrong.

You were buying some drinks from a drink stand, Aiden waiting on you on the side walk. You turned to hand him his drink and saw a car heading strait for him. You dropped the drinks and screamed at him, but as he turned, it got closer. You blinked and took off running, running at your superhuman speed, you snatched him up away from the cars collision. "(Y/n)! What the hell......how'd you get over here so fast?" You stood silent and let him figure it out, but all Aiden did was thank you. Telling you he knew what you were but chose to let you explain, which you did after the date was over at his apartment. "Well I think you're amazing! Thank you for saving me babe!" You smiled and kissed him, happy he excepted you for who you truly were.


You're a witch. You always kept it secret, but every witch had to practice.

So, one day after school you snuck out into the woods. A place you could always make your chants where no one could hear you, but little did you know Ethan followed you. Hoping to surprise you, Ethan jumped out right as you made a chant, a chant that made your hand burst up in flames. Ethan freaked and rushed towards you, putting out the fire with his jacket but as he saw your arm perfectly fine, then he wondered. "Ethan! I'm ok, but there's something I have to tell you," Ethan stood back and nodded, "you're a witch! Yeah I had a hunch you were, but I think it's amazing. Now turn me into a hot guy," you laughed and walked closer to him, "you already are a hot guy, my hot guy!"

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