He Proposes (Derek

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It was one of the worst days you'd had all week. Your boss was a total bitch to you at work and called you countless names for not taking him up on his date offer. You hadn't told Derek yet, thought I'd be best to wait till he was in a good mood to tell him, but something always stopped you.

When you got home that afternoon, all you could do was sink to the ground and cry. The house was completely dark, meaning Derek was probably still out with the pack, but maybe not. You dried your tears and headed for your room. Sniffling and coughing, you pushed the door open slowly, only to halt as soon as you entered.

There was a weird feeling beneath your feet, a soft yet weird feeling. You looked around in the dark confused and flipped your lights on, glaring around amazed as your entire floor was covered in rose petals. You smiled and jumped around excitedly, your eyes coming to land on a small note placed in the center of your bed.

-Dear (Y/n)

You are the light of my life. I never thought I'd come to realize how long we've been together, but they were indeed the best two years of my entire life.
I know your probably thinking, "Derek what the hell are you getting at?" Well babe, this is going to be the hardest thing I ever do. So due me a favor and, turn around.

You smiled and froze at his final sentence. Feeling a hand softly caress the back of your head, "Derek what is all-" you stopped mid-sentence when you turned around. Derek kneed before you and smiled, a small tear making its way down his cheek, "(Y/n) (Y/M/n) (Y/L/n), you are my everything. My moon, my mate for the rest of my life. Will you due me the honor of becoming my wife?" You froze and started crying, your head shaking up and down frantically, "hell yes I will!"

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