Your Midnight Talk (Liam)

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It was ten past midnight. The chilly breeze from the December air made you shiver slightly as you made your way down the street to Liam's house. You never recalled him inviting you, but figured once you'd told him about your nightmare, he'd somehow forget about it. You'd done this many times before, but Liam had never woken up and caught you, but tonight wasn't your lucky night.

Your fingers slowly pushing upwards on his windowsill, you managed to get into his dark bedroom without making a sound. But little did you know tonight he was having trouble sleeping as well, and he was awake the whole time. "(Y/n), you don't have to be quiet. I know it's you." Your heart skipped a beat when you saw him sit up. A part of you wished he wouldn't have, but you chose not to ponder on it to much. "I'm sorry. I usually come here when I have nightmares. You make a good cuddle buddy." The both of you laughed and fell silent. You weren't going to move for the bed until he said so, in fear he might not want you to. "I'll leave if that's what you want. I can handle it on my own this time."

As you went to move, Liam appeared beside you in the blink of an eye. You glared at him in hopes he'd changed his mind, but all you had time to do was smile before he picked you up and flung you on his queen sized bed. "Hey! What was that for!" You yelled playfully, your eyes going wide when all he did was plop down beside you. "Because a beautiful girl needs my assistance, and she has my undivided attention."

You bit your lip and lowered you smile away from his gaze, "thanks Liam. I know we've only known each other for a short while, well, ever since I joined the pack. But your really not that bad of a guy." Liam smiled at you before pulling you in close. And right at that moment, you knew things were never going to be the same.

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