Chapter Two: Friends

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Eliana and Tsuki burst into the tent where Kaito, Rayn, Ali, and I sat around a fire. Don't ask me how it is not burning down our tent or filling it with smoke, Eliana did something to it so it just gave off heat and not smoke or anything else. We were all wrapped in thick clothes and huddled around the fire trying to contain body heat. Eliana and Tsuki sat down beside Kaito and took their fair share of food from the pot that was hanging over the fire.
"So, Eliana. I believe that Tsuki filled you in on our plan."
"Yes," She said, sadness crept into her voice as she said it. I didn't blame her, she has been alone for long enough. But it is necessary to have her healed before we go up against Aswa again.
"Right, you will have to leave in the morning in order for you to meet us at the designated spot. Then we can all go up against Aswa together. He is no match for us together."
"Together? I thought that you, Tsuki, Rayn, and Kaito would destroy him before I came back."
I looked at Tsuki, I opened my mouth to speak but Rayn spoke first.
"Wait, Tsuki we agreed that we would all do this together. AFTER Eliana and Ali came back. We can't take him on our own! Look what happened last time! You were taken prisoner and Alena was almost killed!"
"Ya Tsuki," I butted in, I hated taking Rayn's side but he was right. Tsuki did agree to this.
"We can't take him without all of us. The legend says so."
"But who knows when Eliana will get back? Aswa will be long gone and he will build up his army. He is not done yet, and nor are we! We must stop him before it is too late."
"Tsuki. We can't. We are not strong enough. We must wait. Even if it means that Aswa escapes. I rather he escapes than we die. Ali is going with Eliana, they will move at top speed and will get back soon, right?"
I stared at Ali and Eliana.
"They won't make it in time!" Tsuki yelled.
"We can't take him on our own! Don't you understand?" I yelled.
"Alena's right! We can wait." Rayn screamed
"No, we can't!"
"Yes, we can!"
"Then you will have to do it without me!" She jumped up and stomped out. I stopped Kaito who moved to follow her.
"I need a walk." Rayn got up and he too walked out of our tent letting a small draft of cold air in the tent. Half an hour passed and the fire began to die. I slowly got up and walked out of the tent. Large black fir trees grew out of the hard black ground. I wrapped my arms around the first bough of the tree and climbed to the top. I sat at the top and saw quick flashes of silver light over to the west of me. I climbed down and ran to the place I saw the flashes. Tsuki was whacking a tree with her sword sending flashes of light every time she hit the tree. I let her vent out her emotions this way until she stopped and had to sit down.
"Tsuki," She looked up surprised.
"How long have you been here?"
"Not long, but that is not important. I know you expected me to take your side but Rayn is right. If we try to take him down on our own we will be killed or captured and will have doomed the universe. If we are dead or captured Eliana won't be able to take him on her own. And the whole universe will die with us. I would rather let him get a head start than doom the universe."

"Fine. But what are we to do while Eliana is away?"
"Chase down Nartoches, make our way to Aswa, find his location. I don't know. We could really do anything. Train Rayn, Kaito, and Ali."

"So you won't leave right?"
"No, I won't leave."
We made our way back to the camp to find Ali, Kaito, and Eliana waiting for us. Eliana ran to hug Tsuki when we came into view.
"She agreed." I sent the message to everyone but Tsuki. Even Rayn, but I felt no connection to his mind so I wasn't sure he got it. Kaito looked up for a second after he got my message then whispered something to Ali, Ali responded and Kaito nodded.
"Where is Rayn?" Ali asked. "Didn't you find him?"
"No, I just went to find Tsuki. I thought he wouldn't want me running after him."
Ali nodded but still looked concerned. None of us knew this place and we could get lost or into trouble easily.
"If he doesn't return in a few minutes you can go look for him," I reassured Ali. He nodded and we re-entered the tent. The fire had died and now only the glowing coals were left. Eliana got the fire back up and we sat by it watching the tongues of fire lick the air. And hour passed, then two, Rayn didn't show up.
"Ali, you might want to go find Rayn."
Ali silently nodded and slipped out of the tent like a shadow.
Time passed, soon everyone else fell asleep but me. I tried to, but it has been hours and Ali still wasn't back. I tried to send a message to him over and over again. But I never got a response. Finally, it was too much to bear. I slipped on my sweater and got ready to go out after them.
"Where are you going?" Eliana said sitting up.
"I'm going to find them, I will be back soon."
Not waiting for her answer I slid out of the tent and began to walk.
"Alena!" Ali's voice called from behind the tent.
"Ali?" He and Rayn came out from behind the tent. They were both unharmed and safe.
"Ali! Rayn! Where were you? I was worried! Why did you take so long getting here?" Ali laughed, but I was not in the teasing mood.
"I'm serious! I was about to go out after you!" Ali dropped the teasing, but he still had a smile on his face.
"Don't worry we just stopped to pick up and old friend," He pointed to me, I slowly turned and saw a tall dark figure. The figure moved into the light. My old friend Umair was standing there.
"Umair!" I ran to him and hugged him.
"Alena, it's been too long." He laughed, his deep rolling laugh. Memories flooded over me. Adventures we had together, how close we were, and the space of time where I did not see him for years. Umair was my brother and I's closest friend, our only friend actually.
I released him and studied him, his blond hair has darkened a bit, but his bright blue eyes still showed the carefree boy I once knew.
"How did you get here?"
"Before your brother left a week ago he sent a message to me telling me that you needed back up and that if I leave two days after him I could come along."
I hugged him one last time,
"It is good to see you again."
He grabbed my hand and I lead him towards the others, who hearing the commotion came out of the tent. Tsuki and Kaito were staring quite shocked that we now had another member, Eliana was looking at Umair with a thoughtful expression, Ali was smiling, and Rayn was frowning, because I stole his big moment of return. I didn't care, though, I was just so excited to have Umair back. We re-entered the tent and began again. Quite reluctantly Umair agreed to travel with Ali and Eliana. Soon the fire was dead and we were all sleeping. The coals cast a faint glow on the tent walls, wrapping me in a blanket of light.
(Picture is of Umair)

The Hope Of The Three (Book 2 of the Hidden Trilogy)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora