Chapter Four: Cute

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I woke up to quiet. It was an unusual way to wake up considering the times but pleasant all the same. Alena was laying on her coat, the blankets half on the ground, obviously kicked off during the night. Rayn was laying peacefully with the sheets up to his chin. Umair slept in the cot next to Rayn. I couldn't help but laugh when I saw Rayns extended hand gripping on to Umair's loose hand as if they were holding hands. That was going to make for an awkward moment.

That's when I noticed that Tsuki and Kaito were missing. Their beds were empty, the bottom layer of sheets still wrinkled from the bodies impression. Panic settled into my stomach, thy were gone, what if they were in trouble, maybe they were hurt or already dead. Perhaps we were wrong about Aswa going into hiding. His new plan was probably to kidnap us all one by one and kill us. I looked around the giant tent for any signs of struggle, footprints and maybe some blood if Aswa hurt them. My search brought me outside when I nearly tripped over two bodies. Kaito and Tsuki were lying in the soft swaying grass. Kaitos arms protectively around her waist and shoulders. Tsuki's head was on his chest. They looked so cute and peaceful my heart melted.

I had never wanted anything like that. I foresaw no romance my future, it always seemed like something you would find in fairytales, especially not something found when you were saving the universe. Yet here they lay, having fallen asleep watching the stars, completely content with just each other. Not needing shelter or even beds, just the presence of the other person. I used to think that I had that, with my family, I thought that as long as I had them I would be ok. That didn't end well. You can't rely on hope like that, you can't rely on people period, no matter how long you've known them, no matter how much you think you know them, no matter how much you trusted them. Tsuki is foolish for having fallen for such a beautiful perfect lie.

Suddenly I couldn't stand to look at them any longer so I put on a fake smile, which I caught myself doing a lot the past few days, and cleared my throat. Both Tsuki and Kaito sleepily jumped up in surprise. Tsuki's cat fell from her lap, funny I didn't notice her before. The pair looked at each other and their surroundings, clearly coming to the same conclusion. They looked at each other and visibly blushed.

"What went on here tonight," I joke, although it hurts. They two of them grow even redder that before.
" Nothing, I swear," Tsuki stammers, nervously getting off the ground and shuffling away from Kaito. I laugh cheekily and raise my hands in surrender.
" No, I get it! The World is ending and everything, might as well get one more night of fun in, right?" I say cheekily and smile a sly smile.
" Your not entirely wrong," Kaito jokes, looking to Tsuki for a reaction.
"Kaito Hyashi, shut your mouth! We weren't doing anything," she slaps his arm, her hair whipping her on the face with her frustrated flailing movements.
" It's not my place to judge- hang on," I pause, recounting what Tsuki just said "You both have the same last name? You mean that you're- I mean you're a little young to be- so you have to be - but that's just messed up!" I couldn't form full sentences. Tsuki's face grows even redder with horror and embarrassment.
" NO! Of course not - ew- that's just- ew," I raise my eyebrow looking at her as she shudders in disgust. I wait for an answer.
" It's hard to explain, see we are both the moon, and we've been together so long," she pinches her eyebrows together, unsure how to explain "Ok let me start again, see Kaito and I know each other so well that we-" she sighs in frustration. Noticing her troubles I wave my hand.
"It's ok, you don't have to explain it. The universe seems to have a lot of unexplainable things," I say as Kaito nods his thanks to me
"We should get back to the others," I begin as I head back to the door of the tent "The others will be waking soon and we don't want them to freak out like I did," They both nod and we head back into the tent to see Rayn and Umair wake up with a screech.

The Hope Of The Three (Book 2 of the Hidden Trilogy)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang