Chapter Three: Breaking Bonds

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I stormed out of the tent.

Didn't they sense it too? Didn't they feel the urgency flowing through the universe, making it tremor? Was I the only one who could hear glimpses of the shadows?

I kept walking until I was good ways away. My back rested on a tree and I sighed. No, It was to be expected. Perhaps my thoughts were simply not projected enough. No, it wasn't that. It was that I would never fit in, not even among the Guardians. I could tell- they were alive. They actually lived life to the fullest, even in the midst of incoming death. They couldn't see that we could all die- it was partially inevitable. Why was it that they couldn't feel the need to hurry? Maybe I wasn't sentient enough. Maybe I was too emotionless... but... Kaito...

"Tsuki." My head turned to face with Rayns. His face was unusually stern. My arm started to throb again and I realized my fist was clenched. The bandages around my arm were a darker shade. Didn't Alena's healing work?

 "Tsuki, I need to say this now."

"Say what you want to. I don't care." I scoffed.



"You don't care about anyone else other than yourself."


"You know, the reason I fell in love with you was because you were so strong. You never let anything get to you- and that's also your weakness."

"Oh, really?" What about Kaito?

"You NEVER cared about anyone else!" He said in a whisper-yell. My eyes snapped to his coldly. I let my silver shine.

"Rayn," I growled, stalking towards him. "Just try and say that again."

"You... Don't care about anyone! Not Eliana! Not Alena! Not Ali.... and not me."

"I do care about everyone!" I yelled. "I'm gonna destroy Aswa for their sakes!"

"Alone? Are you gonna abandon everyone for the sake of glory? Even Kaito?" He spat.

I slapped him. The noise rang in my ears over and over. His head snapped to the side, his eyes wide.

"You're an impertinent human, Rayn Cassie, for even suggesting that I would leave behind the one person I LOVED." His eyes widened in shock as I emphasized the last word.

"I'm impertinent?" Rayn laughed coldly, his head slowly turning to face me again. "You're awfully selfish, Moon Guardian. I don't believe how I didn't see that before."

"Selfish? SELFISH?!" My hands clenched and unclenched. Didn't anyone see? I was doing this for them. Heck, I didn't care if I died. But if the universe were destroyed- or even if anyone died, it would be as if I had killed them because I didn't take action. Why couldn't anyone see this? Why? "Don't even TALK to me about selfishness!" My hand went out to grasp my sword but I forgot I didn't have it. Perhaps Kaito had it after retrieving it from our room. I settled for pointing. I looked at Rayn dead in the eye and noticed his expression of fear. That's right. He was mortal after all. I smirked, the shook my head and sighed, lowering my hand.

"You, Rayn Cassie, are the most annoying mortal I have ever met. What else do you have to say."

"I don't love you anymore." My jaw went slack. What?


"Yes. I don't love you anymore, Tsuki Hyashi." I lowered my head, then smiled up at him.

"Finally. Was it because of what just happened?"

"That, and the reason that you aren't the type to be loved by guys like me. You have Kaito, and I'm sure I'll find someone human." He shook his head. "But, you've really dragged me into a ton of action for a coldhearted Moon Guardian."

"I doubt you've had any other adventures." I raised an eyebrow.

"Ah, right. Well, this is goodbye then." He turned and walked off, raising his hand in farewell. I sighed and sat down, hugging my knees close to my chest. What just happened?



That evening, after Umair was introduced, I slipped out of the tent once everyone was asleep. We all slept on cots on the floor in a fairly large tent. I walked outside the tent and sat down on the grass. It was a little wet- soaking through my thin sleepwear, but I barely noticed.

"Tsuki....?" I heard a familiar voice call. Kaito stood behind me.

"What is it?" I muffled my voice in my arms.

"Are you alright?" I looked up surprised as he sat down beside me. It had been so long since someone asked about my condition- Daisuke aside. He placed something soft in my lap. Moondust was snoring softly, her chest rising and falling.

"Oh, you got her!" I exclaimed.


"Well, thank you." I rested my head on his shoulder.

"You're in good company, I see."

"What do you mean?"

"Even if we all have our flaws, your friend's minds are very strong."

"Oh?" Kaito's power was that he could analyze the soul of any sentient being. It was plainly easy to do so to humans, but for celestial beings, it would be harder. He could also bring up the memories in a person. In combat, Nartoches, who had a little conscience but still had souls, could be manipulated to think that something was there when it really wasn't. So Kaito could inspire hallucinations in a sense. He rarely used his powers, however. "Did you read their hearts?"

"No, but there are some very interesting emotions being displayed."

"Would it be rude to tell me?"

"None of the emotions are in-depth, but that Umair person, he's extremely tentative about something." Huh. I thought about it.

"We now have seven people. And Eliana's cut needs to be dissipated."

"Are the legends really true? Is there someone like that who can even dispel the effects of a Souruita?" I asked.

"I'm not sure, but it's worth a try,"

"I told Alena I wouldn't leave."

"Well, wherever you go I'll go with you." He smiled impishly.

"Stalker." I pushed him playfully, laughing a little.

The Hope Of The Three (Book 2 of the Hidden Trilogy)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant