Chapter Seventeen: Moving On....

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We walked, and walked, and walked.....and walked. My head throbbed like someone was twisting a knife in my temple. I walked along side Rayn who hadn't talked to me since last night unless we were exchanging commands. He wasn't angry I think, just thoughtful. Anyways I hated silence so I tried to start up a conversation.
"How far until we make it back?"
He glanced at me than the map he had clutched in his hand.
"A few miles at least. I am guessing six more hours. I wonder were Tsuki is." The topic of Tsuki made me perk up a bit. After the fight between Rayn and her, I thought that their not really, kinda, more than friend relationship was over.
"Have no clue. Tsuki and Kaito could be any were. Why?"
"Oh just wondering if they were trying to find us." Well, of course, they are looking for us! They can't just leave us behind. I was about to say something to Rayn when I heard a twig snap.
"Down!" I pushed Rayn down onto the ground and hid behind a rock.
"Something is out there" I sent the message to Rayn through my mind. Something, or someone.
"Oooff!" The thing must have tripped over something.
"Tsuki are you okay?" A male voice said.
I peeped over the rock. Tsuki was wearing a strip of fabric over her eyes and Kaito was helping her drink some water. He put his arm around her and I longed for Umair. So far away from me. I will never belong to anyone but him. I felt a slight spike of panic who knows what is happening to him. For all, I could know he could be dead, but I must hold on. He will return to me. I nudged Rayn
"It's Tsuki and Kaito," I told him in my mind.
"What?" He mouthed astonished. He moved to get up and I had to sit on him to keep him from moving.
"So, we are here." He said pointing at a map. "Now, we need to find out where they went."
"Or you can just look up." I sent it to their minds as I stood up pulling Rayn with me.
"Alena! Rayn!" Tsuki jumped up and stumbled towards us Kaito right beside her making sure she didn't fall.
She hugged me tightly making my head hurt more.
"Ow!" I cried taking a step back holding my head.
"Tsuki!" Rayn started to hug her but she shrugged him off. He skittered away embarrassed and Kaito clapped him on the shoulder to cover up the moment
"Where have you been?" Tsuki asked circling us and sizing us up.
"Okay, so when we fell I cast a net of magic below him to keep him from dying. But when he hit the net I hit a tree and was knocked unconscious. Apparently, Rayn picked me up and for some reason started to walk away from where we landed and getting us lost." Tsuki looked at Rayn and rolled her eyes. "So when I woke up we headed back here and bumped into you. "
" Well, at least we found you, now we have to go."
"By the way what happened to you Tsuki? Why do you have bandages over your eyes?" I questioned her.
"Oh, I killed a bear-spider thing and its blood got on my eyes and blinded me."
"Oh, okay." There was an awkward silence until Kaito spoke.
"We should leave. Your little adventure has been a big set back to us and we need to get to the rendezvous point." We all nodded our silent agreement and followed Kaito back into the woods disappearing from sight.

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