Chapter Twenty: Weakness

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"Kyah!" I shouted, Yorukaze delivering the uppercut that sliced through the Nartoch. It shrieked and dissipated. I glanced around, on high alert. Kaito was closest to me (and no wonder) his fingers on his temple. The earth around him was coming alive- trees protecting him and animals coming out of nowhere to drag Nartoches away. That was his power; he could communicate with anything living, drawing out memories, inputting memories, reading thoughts. Shattering minds.

Rayn and Alena were back-to-back. Considering he had no idea how to use his borrowed sword, swinging it like an amateur, Alena had to protect him. She slashed darkness to nothing and occasionally threw daggers.

Maybe it may be confusing how we are fighting literal shadows. Because we have celestial blood in our veins and weapons, we can. Rayn is gonna have a tough time. A celestial weapon isn't good enough for-


A metal blade flew out from nowhere and headed for me. Kaito glanced over but knew better than to distract me by calling my name. That's how you get killed, after all. I brought Yorukaze up and deflected it. It nicked my cheek. Two more came out of the forest, and I spun my blade, deflecting them both. A low chuckle was heard and Eliana stepped out.

No, not Eliana, Ali... No, Umair. It reverted to a familiar shadow.

"Hotaru," I stated.

"I warned you." It hissed. A blade glinted, shooting towards me. I raised my sword, but it veered, hitting my right arm below the elbow. I screamed in pain, Yorukaze dropping to the ground.

"Tsuki!" Kaito, Alena, and Rayn shouted, still caught up in their own battles.

"Aaah... Gah... Agh.." I groaned in pain, sinking to the ground. My left hand strayed to my right one, but....

It wasn't there.

"What did you do?!" I whispered.

"Your weakness... Little Moon Shadow... Your weakness is here." Hotaru leaned close, jabbing my wound. I writhed on the ground.

"I'm gonna kill you!" I spat, between spasms.

"Just try." It smirked, its red eyes glowing. "Good Luck." He disappeared. I groaned and winced, my arm sparking in horrible pain.

"You..." I gasped, blood pooling around me.

"Tsuki!" Kaito ran to me, kneeling and propping me up in his arms. I was really losing blood, and I felt dizzy.

"Kaito... Your pants are gonna get wet... I'm gonna have to wash them..." I mumbled. I was probably delirious. But that just came out.

"You can wash them later." His hand rested on my head. "Alena?!" Alena came into view.

"Hold on Tsuki." My arm felt warm, and the pain ceased. The two breathed sighs of relief. "I've restored it." Alena smiled. But something felt wrong. Alena must've realized too because a frown marked her once-relieved face.

"Kaito.... Get Yorukaze," Alena said seriously.

"Alright." Yorukaze's cold hilt rested in my newly restored hand. My muscles felt slack as if I had no strength left. My hand slowly curled around the hilt, but they stopped there. I couldn't close it hard enough to lift it. I couldn't, no matter how hard I tried. This can't be happening. I couldn't loose the use of my hand.

"It didn't heal properly." Alena gasped. My sleeve had been cut along with my arm. When my arm was healed by Alena, a black ring remained, right below my elbow. And as we watched, it disappeared. I could still move my arm up and down, but I couldn't hold anything. Yorukaze slipped from my hands.

"Are... Are you ok?" Rayn ran over, panting.

"Yeah," I said emotionlessly. Lie.

"No really Tsuki." Kaito looked at me sternly, so I had to look away. I wouldn't show weakness. I wouldn't let Kaito be my weakness. But.... I suppose he already was.

"I'm alright," I said forcefully. I sat up, scooting away from everyone. I leaned on my right arm, and it held out, even though it was shaking. I won't show them weakness.

"I can still fight with my left hand." I declared, giving them a reassuring nod. I didn't want their piteous looks. I would let my friends treat me like an invalid. I would do anything to stay away from a fate like that, even if it meant I had to lie.

"I'm sorry! It's my fault." Alena said.

"No, it's not." I said, standing, "I was careless." I smiled at them, picking up my sword with my left hand. "I'll keep fighting, even if it costs me my other arm." Now that was no lie.

I walked off, feeling as if every step weighed heavier. I was running away from their inquiring looks. I was running away from their friendship.

Because I lied to them. Even Kaito.

I lied because I didn't want their pity or compassion, didn't need it.

I lied because I needed to be strong, for myself, for the fate of the world.

I lied because I was going to be useless.

I couldn't fight with my left arm.

I never learned how to.

The Hope Of The Three (Book 2 of the Hidden Trilogy)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora