Chapter Fourteen: Survive

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Rayn Cassie

We fell. Down, down, down towards the earth. I was freaking out as I realized that the ground was getting closer and I had no way of stopping. I neared the ground and as I was about to hit it some sort of force stopped me. I looked over to see Alena casting some sort of a spell then hit her head on a tree.
"Alena!" I yelled as she fell through the branches of the tree and hit the ground. Then I fell hitting the ground painfully. Her magic must have stopped when she fell unconscious. Luckily I only fell a few metres. I ran over to her to see her head lying in a puddle of blood.
"Oh my gosh." I had to look away to keep from throwing up. Once the feeling of nausea passed I looked at her again. Head wounds can bleed alot even when they are not major. But she just fell a few thousand feet and hit her head on a tree. So what ever injuries she probably has are most likely major. I carefully pushed her head over to the side to see that there was a large gash on the side of her head. I put my figures to her neck like I saw people do on television when they are trying to see if some one is dead or not. I felt a small pulse and breathed a sigh of relief. She was still alive. How? I have no idea, but she is a celestial being. And it takes alot more than a head injury to stop Alena. She would still do this quest without her arms or her legs. A little head injury, no problem. I straightened up and looked around, we were in the middle of a forest some were in the star kingdom. I nudged Alena with my foot and she didn't stir. Sighing I picked her up and draped her over my shoulder being careful of her head. I decided to walk in a southern direction and started off that way.


The sun started to go down and darkness crept into the sky. I had been walking for hours and was exhausted, plus, Alena seemed to get heavier and heavier each step I took. I found a nice place under the shelter of some trees and laid Alena on some moss. She looked so peaceful laying there, totally unaware of our problem. I felt a small squeeze in my stomach, the kind I got when I saw Tsuki. Brushing the feeling off, I busied my self with makeing a fire and setting up camp. Another hour passed and Alena moaned.
"No, no, it's a pinathistle." She murmured and rolled over.
"Mmmmm. Ali? What time is it?"
"Alena." I hurried over to her as she sat up.
"Rayn?" She rubbed her eyes and confusingly looked into my eyes.
"Where are we? Here's Tsuki and Kaito? Ugggg." She clutched her head in pain and when she pulled her hand away her eyes widened when she saw the blood on her hand.
"Alena, it's okay. You fell and hit your head, but you are okay now, you woke up."
"How long was I out?"
"You were out for several hours. There is still no sign of the others."
"Are we still were we fell?"
"Uh, no. I walked for several hours away from there."
"What??????? You walked away from the only place that Tsuki would know where to look?????? You got us lost??????" I was surprised at her out burst. Why did that have to do with anything?
"So, now Tsuki will not find us because she doesn't know which way you went! Why didn't you stay there? When you are lost you sit down not go off looking for them." She took a breath as she finished her rant. I decided to stay quiet, to let her calm down before I said anything.
"So, what are we going to do?"
"Well we cannot travel at night so we are stuck here until morning. The best thing to do right now is to get some rest." I nodded and walked over to the fire and stamped it out. I turned at ask Alena some thing but she had already fallen asleep.
I was pulled out of my dream by a voice. It was pure and beautiful, confused I turned my head and looked at the place were Alena was sleeping. Though there was no Alena, just a pile of blankets. I sat up quickly and scanned my surroundings. There was no sign of her but then I heard the singing again and looked up. Alena was perched in a tree singing. I had actually never heard her sing alone so I never had heard her voice. It was amazing. I lay down more relaxed and let Alena's lullaby's lull me into sleep.

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