Chapter Twenty-Two: Propositions

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~Kaito Hyashi~

I came up behind Tsuki and squeezed her hand gently. I began walking without a word, knowing that she probably didn't want to talk. Alena called from behind us.

"Kaito, please wait! Rayn is hurt." I turned.

"Carry him then," Tsuki said coldly. "And maybe train him a little to use that sword."

"Train?" Rayn asked, slightly offended. Tsuki's mouth turned up in a cold smile.

"You're the puppy. Alena is your master. She has far more patience than I." Tsuki turned, her left hand clenching her sword. Woah, Tsuki went cold.

"Fine," Rayn replied with the same ice. "I'll prove to you that I can beat you in a sword fight." I heard Tsuki's breath hitch and something soft that sounded like

"...Probably could." But I was sure I heard wrong. Tsuki was the best swordswoman I had ever seen, even though she usually only used the right hand. I remember this one time that she took off her shoes and fought with swords in between her large and smaller toes. Her left hand should be no problem. "Just you try." She retorted.

Alena put Rayn's arm over her shoulders, and I saw the slash across his side. Alena's hand glowed, and Rayn sighed.

Suddenly Alena collapsed. Tsuki spun around at the sound and we both ran back. Rayn had caught her and was shocked.

"What happened?"

"She overexerted herself healing you," I said quietly, my hand on her forehead. I relieved her mental stress, and she sighed in her unconsciousness.

"Carry her," Tsuki commanded. Rayn swapped arms and lifted Alena. He looked at her gently. "You know, she shouldn't have healed you." He said to Tsuki. My fist clenched. "I'm sure you would've survived with one hand anyway," Rayn said, meaning more than just about Tsuki's eyes. He glanced at Tsuki and his eyes widened. I looked over and on Tsuki's face was the most soul-less expression I had never seen.

"If you really believe that, then take this." Tsuki handed him Yorukaze. Rayn's hands shook as he realized what Tsuki was implying.

"You once told me to not kill myself. Well, now you have the chance to do it." Rayn shook visibly and the sword fell from his hands.

"I..." Tsuki calmly picked up her sword. "If you can't do it, keep moving." She turned. "Let's go, Kaito."

"R-right." I stuttered, hurrying after her. I could feel the coolness of cold sweat on my forehead. What was Tsuki thinking? She realized that she was a vital part of our mission, so why did she propose to die? And if she did die, she wouldn't get any choice of a wish.

Why, Tsuki? I sent telepathically. It had been a while since I had used my powers, and Tsuki's mind was unreadable- blank.

It had to be done, Kaito. We have to keep moving. We cannot afford any more fights. She said determined I saw her knuckles tighten.

Why would you want yourself to... die?

Tsuki froze. She said slowly,

"I wasn't serious." But it felt more appealing than a truth. I had to let it drop, though and trust her.

I have a proposition... Aswa's voice drifted in my mind.

"To hell with your treacherous propositions!" I yelled aloud, then covered my mouth. Rayn looked at me oddly.

"What the heck, man?"

"Kaito, again?" Tsuki looked concerned, even though just a minute ago I was concerned for her.

They all care for you so much... It would be a pity for none of them to survive, won't it?

Shut up. I winced.

Please, Kaito. The Lord of all Shadows does not simply 'shut up'. Hear me out. I swear on my last wish that I am not lying. I stayed silent.

Good boy. Now, when you run into Eliana, tell her you to want to speak with her in private. I'll show you some very valuable information then.

Why are you even remotely helping us?

You were my best friend, Kaito, and she was my sister. Is that reason enough?

He's lying!! My inner self-screamed. But instead, I relayed,

We'll see.

Great! Hope to see you soon! I could practically feel his grin.

Why did I even give him a hint that I was interested?

"Ughhhhh...." I groaned quietly. But to be honest, it felt sort of like an insurance. Insurance to make sure Tsuki didn't get hurt. But as we kept going, I almost felt like it would be the right choice. To protect the person you love, you would give away anything. Isn't that what love was?

The Hope Of The Three (Book 2 of the Hidden Trilogy)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora