Chapter Nine: Dark Whispers

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(Pic is Kaito in the morning)

~Tsuki Hyashi~

I stood at the tree silently, watching Rayn and Alena go back to base. They were talking cordially, and a small smile lifted my lips. At the very least, Rayn would no longer be fussing over me. I looked up at the branches and noticed that a few were chipped. I shook my head and slid lower down the tree, coming to a sitting position. My eyes closed contentedly as the soft breeze washed over my face. 

My body jolted as I woke up with a start. Shoot! I fell asleep! Baka, I scolded myself. My eyes wandered to the camp. The two tents carrying- Kaito, Rayn in one, Me and Alena in another- were silent and the campfire flickered. I snatched Yorukaze and ran to the camp. I burst into Alena's tent and saw her lying asleep. Then I ran to Kaito and Rayn's tent. Rayn's arm flopped over on Kaito's face, who was hitting it like an annoying fly. Phew. Nothing had happened when I was gone. I stepped outside back to my watch out area. I squinted when I got there. Was that a figure I saw? As I neared, it blended into the branches of the tree. Oh, probably nothing. I turned and bumped into someone. Of course, terrified out of my mind, I screamed and slashed my blade at it. My mind didn't even register who or what it was. I may have acted a bit prematurely, but it was instinct. A hiss sounded behind me. 

'Fool!' It growled. 

"Wha-" My eyes widened at seeing the figure that was in front of me. A shadow floated there, with a gaping hole where I slashed it. "You're... you're a Torikku!" I said.

'Yes, I am glad you noticed, Moon Guardian.'

"What are you doing here?" I demanded. The Torikku shrugged and grinned, shadows collecting around it and healing the gash. 

'I came to advise you'

"Advise me?" I scoffed. "Nartoches have long ago fallen out of the light. I am in no need of your devilish words."

'You do not understand.' The shadows faded from the Nartoch, leaving behind a vastly human person. My eyes widened and my jaw dropped. 

"Why- why are you in the guise of a human?"

'The reason no one has ever seen our true form is because we do not have one.' The Nartoch rumbled, it's human form fading away into shadow. 'We are the cursed of the Nartoch.'

"I wonder why" I said under my breath. "You are all liars. You mimic the voice of humans to bend others to your will. Then your shadows devour them."

'I do not have the time to argue about that. True, we may be considered evil- but that is only if you look at your own perspective. We are servants to the Shadow Guardian, and we have no choice in that matter. Every Guardian must give up something- as you know-' It smiled. 'And Lord Aswa had to give up the one he loved. But it made him stronger... for now at least.'


'Nevermind that. The reason I came is to deliver a warning.'

"A warning?"

'Yes. Lord Aswa knows your weaknesses. I do not know if you know your weaknesses, and neither do I care, but you have piqued my interest enough for me to let you know that he will not target any of you directly.'


'He will target your companions-' The shadows waved an (I suppose it was a hand; I couldn't really tell.) hand at the tents. 

"Why are you telling me this?" At that, the shadow smiled a sickly grin.

'Why, you know the answer to that don't you?' My fist clenched at its smug eyes. 'It's because of you the closest to the shadows.' Bile rose in my throat. Knowing something was one thing- but having someone tell it to you was another. 

"So what?" I growled.

'You will be closely targeted. Being the dark side of the moon, you will be more easily swayed to his side.' It leaned close to my ear. I found myself frozen as it whispered, 'Kaito is an easy meal, wouldn't you say?' My sword fell to the ground. 

"Leave me alone."

'A pity... already?' The Torikku shrugged and dissolved into the night. 'Remember, when you need me, I'll always be here. Don't forget my name... Hotaru...' 

As soon as all was quiet, I collapsed on the floor. What was this feeling? How could I have been reduced to a terrified child? Fear. I could feel it in my shaking limbs. Fear for everyone near me. Fear for Kaito.

That was my price.

My price for being what I was today. 

Kaito shouldn't be here. 

He should be gone- along with all the others. Because of what I was- everyone should be gone. I've never been one for a lot of socializing, and that hit m in the face right now. But my leaving would jeopardize the mission. I had to keep going, for everyone's sakes. If I died- I knew what I would wish upon. 

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