Chapter Fifteen: Almost There

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~Tsuki Hyashi~

"Kaito?" I started, after feeling his guidance leaving. The bandages were still around my eyes, and I couldn't see. But I could hear Kaito shuffling away. "Kaito!" I shouted.

"Wait a moment, Tsuki."

"How long have we been walking?"

"We should've stumbled upon them now..." Kaito muttered.

"Do you mean we passed them?"

"I'm telling you, they could be anywhere. I'm just assuming they're injured, so they have no strength to walk in zig-zags."

"Where could they have gone?" I sat down in exasperation. That was a mistake. I felt wetness under me and screamed, jumping up. I brought the liquid on my finger to my nose. It was blood. "U-Uh... Kaito?"

"Did you find something?"

"Yes? Is blood a clue?"

"Blood?!" Kaito's booted footsteps hurried towards me. "How could I have not seen you stepping all over it?" He said, as if scolding himself.

"So, um, I, who is blindfolded, noticed something before you, who is not blindfolded."

"Whatever." He grumbled, and I laughed. "But this might be serious. If Alena's hit her head badly, and is bleeding..." I understood what he was getting at. Rayn wasn't exactly the best medic, and he might have been injured as well.

"Is there a trail?"

"Not from footsteps... but..."

"Yeah, a blood trail."

"It's barely visible, but followable."

"Then let's go!" I said.

"Sure, but we have to be really careful."

"Are things gonna attack us again?"

"Well, of course, unless you get that blood off you. A star's blood is extremely enticing."

"Great." I wiped the wetness onto some leaves nearby- or at least I thought they were leaves- but couldn't do much for the blood over my pants.

"We really need a faster way of travel." Kaito sighed.

"Can't you just ask?"

"Do you want to ride a wolf?"

"Why not?" I grinned.

"You're impossible."


"Yeah. Ok, give me a moment." Kaito said, and went silent, presumably concentrating. "Heads up." we'd used that as a method to warn one another that something was coming above us. I slashed my sword upwards in a swift motion and a sickening swoosh was heard, followed by a screeching yowl of pain. "Nice job, Tsuki." I smirked, going into a fighting stance that I was very familiar with. I spun my sword in the air and caught it, pointing it in front of me. I could feel a pressure there, meaning that something was in front of me.

"Do we have a ride yet?" I asked.

"Well, you did kill their alpha."

''Whaaaa-" My sword lowered.

"They're willing to take us, but only for an hour."

"Will that be far enough?"

"We may have to walk a few minutes further, but it's good enough?"

"What are they getting in return?" Creatures always had a price.

"A new alpha." Was the blunt reply.

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