Chapter Thirty-Three: Sudden Appearance

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I gritted my teeth as I clutched my sword. It had been a long fight, the feeling of Yorukaze in my left hand felt foreign. I was glad that I could even fight.

Kaito's head snapped up.

"What is it?"

"He's here."

He didn't need to clarify. The air felt colder, and I felt as if the wounds I had been given were reopening. Eliana's eyes widened, and Umair had to steady her.

"Well, well well. I finally caught up to the little tromping group. You know, it took me a long time to find you guys and my dear sister. I am quite... how do you say this? Irritated." Behind us, Eliana screamed. A man in a cloak- Aswa presumably- had his hand gripping Eliana's arm tightly, holding her against him, a knife to her throat. Umair took a hesitant step forwards.

"Leave her alone." He growled confidently.

"Just try, Romeo." Aswa pressed the tip of his dagger to Eliana's throat. "Move and I slit her like a lamb."

We all froze. Umair scowled, his lips twitching, his hands curled into fists around his spear. Shadows enveloped us, forcing us to our knees. Aswa was still plainly visible. We needed to get away, we needed an advantage.  Aswa eyed Umair, then Eliana.

"So this is who you chose?" Aswa chortled. "Seems a little shabby, but not too bad." Alena's breath hitched, and I could see Eliana trying to swallow as best she could with a knife at her neck.

"Don't... You... Dare..." She whispered. Aswa laughed as if it were amusing.

"So, the little girl decides to talk. Well, sister, I must say, for all the pain you've caused me, this is well deserved. You know you reduced me to this- but I must thank you. I'll free your dear Umair from this world claimed as mine. It's just too bad that Kaito didn't take me up on the offer, isn't it, my old friend?" Aswa's red eyes glowed as he watched Kaito, who had gone paler than his hair.

Aswa threw Eliana away, and the shadows quickly trapped her. I could feel excitement humming in the darkness around me. Aswa may control darkness, but I wasn't powerless over a few shadows. He stalked over to Umair, pinning him to the ground with his shadows. He raised his knife over his head... grinning at Eliana.

"NO!! LEAVE HIM ALONE!!" Eliana screamed.

Move away from the Sun Guardian. I whispered quietly. The shadows shifted in confusion.

Release her. I commanded. Release her.

Moon Guardian.... We want form... Give us form... Moon Guardian...

"Hmmm, this will be fun," Aswa said, his whole attention on Umair. He stabbed downwards, ripping into Umair's arm, below the shoulder, sending out a spray of blood. Umair screamed, then glared angrily. Another knife materialized in Aswa's hands. He stabbed again, smirking, into Umair's opposite hand. Eliana screamed, tears flying from her eyes. Alena squeezed her eyes shut and Rayn looked away.

I will lend you my form. The shadows shifted, slowly amassing towards me.

Aswa laughed as a third knife was slowly jerked across Umair's leg.


I almost screamed in desperation. The shadows were suddenly all sucked towards me, and my consciousness struggled to stay above them. Vaguely, I could tell that Eliana had gotten up angrily, and she was glowing. Kaito crawled over to me, and quickly grasped my shoulders. I could tell I was just sitting there on my knees, staring into empty space. The white of Kaito's hair was so soothing...

Just so warm...


Yes, like the warmth that flowed from my arms and legs...

The warmth of blood...

Was that a weird thought?

I didn't know anymore....

Maybe some sleep would help.

The Hope Of The Three (Book 2 of the Hidden Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now