Chapter Six: Time is Ticking

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~Tsuki Hyashi~

I sat at a makeshift table with Rayn, Eliana, and Kaito. Rayn sat across from me- Kaito on my right, Eliana on my left. My fingers were intertwined with Kaito's underneath the table. I loved it this way, but to be perfectly honest, I wondered where he was over the course of the time we were on earth. Kaito had produced a worn map- something he said he found on him- and pointed to the various places that we were.

"We are southeast of the Universe right now- between the Moon Kingdom and Eosphoros. Northwest is the Unknown, where Aswa would most likely be- if he were intelligent enough to hide." He growled.

"Yes, but where would the old woman be?" Rayn asked. "I mean, whatever her name is."

"Probably on the outskirts of the Sun Kingdom. The Kingdom is pretty dreary for a Sun without the Guardian there. Plus, there's been the murders."

"The murders?" Eliana's eyes widened.

"Yes. Sun servants are disappearing." Kaito nodded.

"And we can all guess who is behind that." I scoffed.

"More importantly," Rayn looked sternly at me, "Eliana needs to be cleansed."

"Uh..." Eliana raised her hands sheepishly.

"Yes... That means she cannot come with us." Kaito said. Eliana flinched.

"Kaito is right. We can assign some of us to accompany you, Eliana."

"Me!" Rayn raised his hand.

"I've already chosen two," I said coldly. Rayn slumped. Alena and the rest walked in.

With some discussion, we figured that Ali and Umair would go with Eliana- as I planned. Fortunately, Ali had already a method of payment.

I spied the stone glinting in the sock.

"You captured a Nartoch?" I asked, bewildered. It had been ages since I'd seen anything of the sort.

"Why would anyone want that?" Rayn sniffed.

"They're valuable," Kaito snapped. Umair nodded.

"You can buy a lot of things with that." He smirked at Alena, who ignored him. Eliana eyed him in a bit of disdain.

"Well, we leave at dawn," Ali said.

The majority of everyone left the tent until I was the only one left. Moondust jumped on the table and meowed.

"Moondust?" I tilted my head.

'I can't carry your sword anymore.'


'Your power has grown and your sword stores that energy and I really can't contain it anymore. Do you want your sheath back?'

"But.... I enjoy you as a cat!"

'Psh. This form cannot be used anymore. Besides, as a sheath, your friends will quit staring at me.' Moondust licked her paw. 'You know this form needs to return to earth. Cats aren't meant to be in the skies.'

I sighed and shook my head.

"Very well. I dismiss you, Moondust." Moondust mewled and vanished in a shower of silver. At my side, a sheath materialized and wound itself around my belt.

'Thank you, this is much better.'

"Yeah, you're welcome I guess."

I searched the back of my head awkwardly.

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