Chapter Thirty-Four: Dying wish

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I felt the shadows relaxing there cool death grip on me. I felt a few drops of blood drip down my throat from the cut the knife had made, just like the blood that dripped from Aswa's girlfriend the night I slit her throat. From the corner of my eyes I saw Tsuki fall, Kaito luckily caught her. My surroundings were in shambles, everyone being held by shadows, Tsuki the only other person not consumed by their darkness and she was mysteriously unconscious. And Umair...

Aswa wanted revenge, and I thought that he would do that by destroying the universe, the thing that I was so passionately fascinated with when I was young, the thing his love wanted going more than anything else. But Aswa took it a step further. He got Umair involved. And that was not ok.

Aswa raised the knife ready to plunge it into Umair, he had already gotten the knife in both his arms and a large gash in his leg. I could see the pain written on his face, the agony etched in his eyes. I ran to Aswa, he hadn't noticed me yet, which gave me the advantage. But he turned and saw me at the last second, lucky for me, I had distracted him from Umair, unluckily for me, he still had the knife in his hand. He shot it out towards me, I twisted myself out of the way, the blade just skimming by my nose. I took this moment to grab his arm and pull it behind his back, pulling up. His free arm held his second knife and he tried to stab him and hit me, but that's not so easy when someone's in your blind spot.

I twisted the knife out of his grip, it was hard and he struggled, his long nails scraping roughly against my soft skin, but I eventually got it out.
"ALENA," I yelled, tossing the blade to her, she struggled against the Nortoche but then got an arm free. She caught the dagger and started fighting the shadows, the knife didn't do much but they were startled and let her go, they then slunk back into the darkness. Alena started toward of the Nortoches holding Rayn down. Whilst I was watching the scene Aswa roughly pulled his arm out of my grasp and turned to me. His knife hand coming down on the top of my head, but I caught it. Holding his arm above me.
"You will die sister dear," he seethed, pushing down harder, knife coming closer to my head. "And it will be slow and painful, I will kill the boy, and while you lay dying in a pool of your own blood you will regret everything you have ever did to me," a tear seemed to slide down Aswa's face, "You will finally understand the pain you have put me through. I didn't want to hurt you Eliana, but you have given me no choice," his eyes were full of pain and for a moment I understood. I took everything from him, pushed him into an insane state of grief. He was so sick of feeling he couldn't feel anymore. His arm came back up, out my reach and for a moment I thought he ceased, and then the arm came back down.

It stopped, and with all momentum lost, Aswa's grip on the knife faltered and it clattered to the ground at my feet.
"KILL HIM," Alena yelled, she had grappled his arm and was holding him back, Rayn had a hold of his other arm, together they held him back like chains holding a prisoner.
"I can't," I whimpered, after all, I did to Aswa, I couldn't kill him. I had killed the love of his life, and as punishment, I was going to kill him too? That didn't sound right.
"You must," Alena begged "Ali did not die for Aswa to live on, Umair is not on his deathbed for you to back out now,"
Tears slipped down my face. Ali, my friend, dead. Umair the one person who accepted me, dying. I took the knife from the ground, my hands were shaking. I looked at Aswa, my brother, alive and well for the last time, and plunged the knife into his heart.

He was dead before he hit the ground.

I fell to the ground as well shaking from grief.
I saw the flood of blood flowing in spurts from his wound, I crawled beside him and cried. For I remembered the good times we had together. When we were still brother and sister.
And then I felt fingers wrapped around my throat, he lifted me off the ground and slammed me into a nearby tree, hard.

"Don't forget, we have our dying wishes," Aswa's voice was throaty and moist, as though he was choking on his own blood "And it's my turn to make mine," The blood pulsed through the stab wound, I was amazed that he still had the strength to hold me to the tree, my feet dangling.
"Eli!" I could hear Umair choke my name from behind Aswa's figure, I could only hope that Alena was tending to his wounds.
"My wish, is that you take my place, you feel my pain of the deaths that have been caused, and that you inflict them" black tinted my vision as his grip on my neck tightened "You see, you have always had the Darkness of a villain manifested in your soul" he continued to choke me, the air being pushed out of my lungs, I couldn't stay awake much longer, there was fire in my airway and I longed to gasp for air, I reached for it, clutching to whatever oxygen I could get, but there was none. "You have brought it out before, and my wish is that you do it again. You will feel the Darkness, think it, accept it, and work on fulfilling my doings and that, my dear, is my wish,"

I felt him released my neck and crumble to the ground, dead. I crumpled next, his hand no longer supporting me.

And all I could see was darkness.

The Hope Of The Three (Book 2 of the Hidden Trilogy)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora