Part Seven

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Justin's P.O.V

"You seem happy," my mom smiled at me later that night as I tried to walk past her figure in the kitchen.

The smile just didn't leave my face and I shrugged. "What? I can't be happy?" I teased her.

She chuckled and shook her head lightly as she filled her coffee mug up along with another mug.

I raise my eyebrows.

"Who's that for?" I ask her, but when I see her adding a ton of sugar to it, I automatically conclude that it's for Jason.

"Never mind," I follow her into the living room and see my twin brother sprawled out on the couch lazily, his nose was red and his eyes looked slightly swollen and squinted.

I cover my nose. "He's sick?" I ask my mom.

She nodded and knelt down next to his head. I watch as she stroked his hair away from his forehead and checked his temperature with a thermometer.

"You still have a fever baby," she shakes her head.

He groans and his eyes meet mine before he shifted his eyes back to the tv.

"So who's the girl?" My mom smirks and my head snaps back to her, a smile already coming on to my face at just the thought of Selena.

"Selena," I smiled.

At the sound of her name, Jason's eyes snapped up to mine. "What?" He asked.

"In taking Selena to the movies tomorrow on a date," I shrug. I see an emotion in his eyes before he shrugged and turned his attention back to the tv.

"Aww! That's so cute! Y'all would make a cute couple!" My mom gushed.

"Ma, chill. He's just taking her to the stupid movies." Jason coughed.

My mom rolled her eyes at him but smiled at me.

"I'm so happy for you Justin! Well I'm gonna go and take my shower, do me a favor and stay with your brother until I get back. You know how he gets." She says before making her way upstairs.

Jason rolled his eyes at her but once she was completely out of sight, he turns his head to give me a smirk.

"So you and Selena, huh?" His voice was raspy from his sickness.

I nod and raise an eyebrow at him.

He gives a small laugh before turning back to the tv. I was confused as to why he would laugh and after a while, my curiosity got the better of me.

"What's so funny?" I asked him.

"Oh nothing, I just hope you don't get to serious with that girl, cause to be honest, she's kinda cute." He tells me.

I have to do a double take on what he just said.

"Did you just say cute?" I ask him.

He shrugged with a sly smile on his face.

"Yeah, why not? I never met no one like her before. I think me and her could be something." That stupid smirk never left his face.

"You mean you think you and her could do something. You're Jason, you don't get serious with any one." I start to grow aggravated that he just has to say this about Selena of all people.

"You know, I think she kinda has a thing for me, I mean, who wouldn't?" He said cockily.

"Bro, I'm taking her on a date tomorrow, I had her first so you're just gonna have to find another girl cause Selena's mine." I stare at him right into his eyes.

"Oh, so you're trying to tell me what's gonna go down?" He laughed.

"Bro, I'll have that girl under my arm in a week." He shook his head as he switched through the channels on the tv.

I wasn't even thinking when the words just flew out of my mouth.

"Wanna bet?"


I glared as I walked past Jason the next morning.

He was still extremely sick and still on the couch in the same position I saw him in last night.

He gave me a sly smirk. "Good morning baby brother," he said in a baby voice.

"You're only older than by two minutes asshole," I mutter before going into the kitchen to eat breakfast with my other two siblings and mother.


The doorbell rang and I raise my eyebrows and watch as my mom gets up to see who it is.

"Oh hi Selena! It's so good to see you sweetie!" My mom gushes.

My eyes widen and I look over at Jason who just stared at the tv with the same smirk plastered on his face.

"Their in the living room dear! I was just getting ready to leave for work so I hope you don't mind! Justin is here though!" She called before rushing in to the hallway and grabbed her purse and then coming into the living room with Selena following right behind her.

"W-what are you doing here?" I ask her confused.

She gives me a confused look as well. "You texted me to come over?" She asks.

"What? I didn't-" in cut off my Jason's coughing.

"Aye bro, you left your phone on the coffee table last night." He tells me smugly before throwing it to me.

I catch it and see that he in fact did text Selena to come over through my phone.

I glared at him and he gives me an innocent look before looking over at Selena and then back at the movie that was playing.

"Selena!" Jazzy says excitedly and runs over to Selena and wraps her arms around her waist.

"Hi Jazzy! How are you?" She asked as she hugged her back.

"I'm good! Jason is sick though." She point at Jason.

"Awe, that's too bad," Selena pouts cutely in the most innocent way.

"I'm taking care of him when mommy leaves for work! You wanna help me?" Jazzy tugs on her arm.

Selena began to stammer.

"Well I- I-" she's cut off by my mom rushing into the living room.

"I'm running late! Jason if you need anything just call me, I'll try to be back before Justin and Selena leave tonight! Selena, do you think you'll be staying her until then?" My mom asks her.

"Umm, if it's okay with you ma'am," Selena smiled sheepishly at her.

"Of course it is sweetheart! I don't mind one bit! But I need to go now so please call me if something happens. Only if it's an emergency." She glared at Jason before pecking all of our heads and leaving the house.

Me and Jason give each other a secret look.

Let the games begin.

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