Part Ten

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Justin's P.O.V

I look over at Selena as we make our way out of the movie, hand in hand.

I notice how she's even quieter than usual.

"Hey," I nudge her lightly as we continue to walk through downtown of the city.

"Are you okay?" I ask her.

She smiled up at me lightly and nodded.

"Yes," she whispers.

I sigh and continue to walk.

Then, the silence between us became too much for me.

"What are you thinking about Sel?" I ask her.

"Noth-" I cut her off.

"Don't say nothing Selena, I know it has to be something. Otherwise you would actually be talking to me and not ignoring me on our date."

She sighs but looked down at her feet as she opened her mouth up to talk to me.

"I-I left Jason... and he wasn't in any-" she takes a deep breath.

"I just don't think I shouldn't have left him. H-he wasn't okay... I should h-have stayed with him." She mumbled.

"Hey, look at me." I lightly bring her face up to look at me and I would be able to stare into her beautiful eyes.

"Jason is a big boy. He can handle himself." I mutter, close to her lips now.

She shakes her head.

"N-no Justin. That is exactly what's wrong! Everyone thinks he's so tough and strong b-but I know that inside, he's probably hurting a-and-" I cut her off once again.

"Can we not bring my brother up right now? Can we enjoy the rest of our date? Please?" I pout down at her.

She bit her lip nervously and looked around us as if someone should be watching us.

"Fine," she sighs before letting me grab her hand and lead her down the street....



".... and it is due on Monday!" The teacher calls out in a rush once the last bell rings.

All of the students groan as we leave the classroom.

I was at my locker when someone walks up beside me.

I look up and roll my eyes when I see it's none other than my idiot twin brother smirking at me.

"What do you want." I say as I start the process of putting my books up and putting the ones I would need to finish my homework over the weekend back in my backpack.

"Umm a ride? I still have to finish my bike up this weekend. I think I just need to switch the engine and change the oil and it'll be good." He talked about the motorcycle our dad had given him.

"How about you walk? Like how you made me do sophomore year?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

He laughed and covered his mouth with his fist.

"Ah, you still remember that? Man my bad bro. You know I didn't see you there." He smiled at me.

I squint at him as I shut my locker.

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