Part Eleven

355 19 3

Selena's P.O.V

"Come on." Jason gently grabbed me as I couldn't tear my eyes away from the sight of Justin and Sofia still sucking each other's faces off.

He pulled me up and lead me somewhere as I tried to process what I had just saw.

It wasn't real.

Was it?

It sure felt real.

I am finally snapped back to reality when I notice Jason opening a door and I furrow my eyebrows together in confusion.

"What are we doing in here?" I ask once he cuts the lights on and I'm met with the garage and an old black motorcycle sectioned off in the corner in what looked like a small little work shop area.

"Would you rather stay up there? By all means, go on back and continue watching your little buddy basically fuck his ex fling at that table."

This guy really doesn't sugar coat anything, huh?

I bite my lip and watch as he goes over to the motorcycle and just started to work on it right then and there.

"Is it broken?" I mentally face palm myself as soon as the question left my lips.

Why else would he be working on it?

Expecting the usual Jason, I also expected his usual sarcastic remark. So it surprised me when he actually answered me in a somewhat nice manner.

"That's the engine right there," he points to a heap of metal on a work shop table in the corner of the garage. "After I get that fixed and everything, I'll be able to put it back in the bike, then I gotta fix the ignition and change the oil." He groans as he picks up another piece of machinery and walks it over to the engine he had pointed to.

I watch in silence for a few minutes before I decide to speak up.

"Can I help?"

He looked back at me slowly and I bit my lip nervously as I waited for his answer, my eyes roaming all around the room.

"Seriously?" He asks.

I look back at him with a confused look.

"Yes?" I ask more of a question rather than a statement.

He shakes his head lightly and goes back to working on whatever he is.

"I didn't know girls actually did stuff like this... usually it's for a guy's attention and they make a fool of themselves." He glanced over at me with a small smirk.

"Are you trying to get my attention Selena?"

I scoff and roll my eyes, although a slight blush took over that I was hoping he couldn't see from where he was.

"No Jason, I'm not."

He chuckled and went back to working on the engine.

After a few more minutes of silence, he speaks up, still concentrating on whatever it is he was doing though.

"You gonna come help me or what?"

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