Part Fourteen

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Selena's P.O.V

"Come on," Jason grabs my arm gently and goes to take me out of the school when I pull back to turn around to see Justin walking towards us slowly, a sorry look on his face.

"W-what was a bet? What are you talking about?" I ask him quietly.

"Sel, the rain is getting harder and your project is gonna get wet-" I cut Jason off.

"What was a bet?" I ask him again.

His eyes show guilt and sadness as he rubbed at the back of his neck awkwardly before looking back up at me.

"You," he whispered.

I furrow my eyebrows.

"Me? T-that doesn't make any sense." My voice is quiet.

He shakes his head before taking a deep breath.

"Me and Jason had a bet. About you. Whoever ended up with you, whoever got you to fall for them by the end of the month, ended up with three hundred dollars from the loser." He says quietly.

"W-what?" I jump lightly as thunder booms through the sky before I look from Justin to Jason, who was looking down at his feet the whole time.

"J-Jason?" My voice cracked lightly as I call to him.

His eyes slowly move up to meet mine after the longest time.

"Is that true?" I ask him.

He didn't answer.

"Please tell me it's not true," I whisper, tears blurring my vision as I stare at him with the slightest bit of a sliver of hope I still held.

He takes a step forward and reaches out to wipe my tears but I pull away.

"Tell me it's not true... please." I say into his Palm that I held tightly in my grasp against my cheek.

I see him swallow hard.

"I can't fucking lie to you." He mutters lowly.

"Is it true?!" I say a little louder.

He nodded lightly.

And that's when I felt it. I literally felt my heart break right then and there.

I throw his hand from my grasp and go to leave when I feel him grip my arm and tug me back.

"Sel, baby girl I-"

"Don't. Don't call me that anymore!" I cry out to him.

He furrowed his eyebrows. "W-why? You love it when I call you that. You told me so when we went to the carnival. Remember the Ferris wheel? Remember when we just sat parked in your driveway and talked because you didn't want to go inside yet? Remember how I wanted you to stay just as much as you did? Please tell me you remember." He begs.

I slowly shake my head and pull away from him once again.

"You lied to me." I mutter as I glare at him through my tears.

"You played with my feelings, with my heart. All for what? Three hundred bucks? That's all I'm worth to you? To both of you?" I turn my glare to Justin who was giving me a sad expression as well.

I chuckle humorlessly and run my hand through my air before licking my lips.

"I gotta go." I say before gripping my solar system project that Jason had helped me with for the past couple of days closer to my body.

"It's raining baby gi- Selena, I'll take you home." Jason cuts himself off from calling me the nickname I've grown to love.

"I've walked in the rain before Jason. This isn't my first rodeo." I roll my eyes as I reach in my backpack and grab the plastic covering I had just in case it would have rained- which it is- and place it over my project carefully.

I then began walking. Right when I get to the doors however, I turn back around at the two bet makers, tears in my eyes.

"I hope you both got what you wanted...And Jason?"

His head snaps up to meet mine, I see something in his eyes but shake my thoughts and accusations of it being a tear.

Jason McCann Bieber didn't cry.

"For the record... I chose you towards the end."


Okay s0... sorry it's short! But be prepared for the flashbacks of the past week to be coming up the next couple of chapters.

What did y'all think of this? Did Selena overreact or nah? How would you feel? Who's in the right? Who's in the wrong? What side are you on????

Influences Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora