Part Fifteen

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Jason's P.O.V

"No, like this." I mumble as I help Jazzy twist the wrench on a screw since she was helping me with my motorcycle.

My mom had gone out to get a pizza for dinner and Jaxon had decided he wanted to go with her.

Justin was visiting his little hoe.

So me and Jazzy were alone and I had asked if she wanted to help me with my bike in which she gladly but hesitantly agreed.

She smiled brightly when she was done and a small smile took over my face at the sight.

I pull away from hovering over her and go to work on a different part of the bike.

After a while, I notice just how quiet it really is when Jazzy drops a couple of the tools, apologizes frantically, and picks them up before scaredy going back to doing whatever.

"You don't have to be so scared." I mumble as I wipe down some of the grease off a part of the engine in my hands.

I glance up at her to see her shift her stance and continue on screwing the screws.

"Jaz," I call her after I didn't get a reply.

She looks up at me slowly.

"Why are you so scared around me? I'm not gonna hurt you or anything. I'm not a stranger. I'm your big brother." I furrow my eyes brows together in confusion.

A nod was all I got as a response.

I sighed before setting the engine down on the workshop table in front of me along with the greasy blue cloth.

"Jazzy. Come here." I nod over to myself as I wipe some sweat off my forehead with the back of my hand.

She sets the wrench down gently and slowly makes her way over to me.

When she is standing in front of me, we are looking into each other's eyes without a word.

I tilt my head to the side gently as I look her and just take her in.

She starts to get fidgety with her hands and I frown before grabbing her hands gently.

"What'd I tell you about that? There's nothing to be scared or nervous about when you're around me.... unless you're telling me you have a boyfriend then we're definitely going to have some problems." I nudge her lightly and try to lighten up her mood.

She giggled quietly and I smile at my accomplishment.

"Now can you please talk to me?" I ask her gently.

She shrugged and I notice how her body tenses up slightly.

"Just tell me what's wrong." I whisper soothingly.

She takes in a deep breath as she looks at her feet.

"I- I miss- I miss dad-dad-" she couldn't even finish her sentence before a sob breaks loose from her body.

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