Part Thirteen

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It has been WAYYYY too long since my last update and I am so so so sorry! I have had the biggest writers block with this story and another one but I think I finally got it under control now! Thanks for staying with me and this chapter is short but the next one will hopefully be longer, just bear with me and prepare for the drama!!!

Selena's P.O.V

"So you're telling me you're just going to keep ignoring me and giving me the silent treatment?" Justin asks me a week later as I put my chemistry text book in my backpack, getting ready to leave since school was finally over for the day.

I turn to stare at him right in his hazel eyes and blink up at him blankly.

He sighs before reaching to grab my arm but I pull away quickly. I see a flash of emotion sweep across his eyes that I couldn't quite read before his expression turns to a sorrowful one.

"I never wanted to hurt you Selena," he starts off softly.

I scoff.

"Hurt me? Who says you hurt me Justin? We were never together or anything in the first place, right? We were just friends. It's not like I had feelings for you or anything. It's not like you sent me mixed signals and played with my head to the point I thought I liked you and that you actually liked me to. It's not like we were ever gonna happen!" I take a deep breath and glance down at my shoes before looking back up at his sad expression.

"Me and you... we just studied together. We were never anything more than friends and partners for school. I may not have known that at the time but you sure did. I'm not a fool Justin and I'm not gonna play the broken hearted girl this time. I refuse to be your plan B. Goodbye Justin." I mumble when I feel a hand on the small of my back.

I jump slightly and turn around just to relax when I see it's Jason.

I look back up at Justin to see his jaw clenched as he glared daggers at his twin brother who just sent him a look I couldn't read but turned around to give me a concerned look.

"You okay?" He asks me quietly. I nod and shift my backpack on to my shoulders.

"Yeah," I give him a small smile that he returns.

"Are you fucking serious right now?" We both look up at Justin as the words leave his mouth, it didn't sound like Justin to have those words escaping from him.

His gaze shifts from me to his brother and back to me.

"My brother? You talk to my brother but not me? Do you even realize what's going on?" He takes a couple steps closer to me.

I tense up slightly and shake my head slowly, giving him a confused look as Jason steps in front of me and lightly pushed Justin back by his shoulders.

"Man you need to calm down. Don't say something you're going to regret." Jason gives him a hard glare while I just watched in confusion.

What could he say that he would regret?

Justin pushes Jason's hands off of him.

"Me?" He laughed humorlessly.

"You want me to watch about what I'm going to say? What? Are you actually scared Jason? You don't want her to know what's really been going on ever since you first met her? You don't want her to know the truth?"

With all the words that left Justin's mouth, the more confused I got.

"Bro shut the hell up and go home. I'll talk to you there after I drop her off." Jason's glare hardened even more as he stared at his brother.

Justin raised an eyebrow mockingly.

"Oh? So that's where you've been this past week when you come home later than usual? You drop off your little girlfriend at home? Damn Jason, you're getting pretty soft bro. No wonder you've been spending more time with Jazzy and Jaxon, and even helping out mom a little more. And I caught you the other night to," a smirk made its way to Justin's face.

Jason's eyes widen slightly as he clenched his jaw.

Justin nodded teasingly as I just listened in.

"Oh yeah man, I saw you in the computer room pretty late at night. Except, you weren't even on the computer. No, you had some paper and a pencil and an envelope that I remember dad sending us."

At the mention of their dad, my eyes go wide and I feel like I should leave because that was obviously an extremely sensitive subject for Jason and anyone knew that.

"I-I'll just wait outside.." I say softly as I go to walk out but I'm quickly stopped.

"Nah it's okay, it's raining. We're done anyways." Jason says though gritted teeth and his jaw clenched as he turned to start walking me out like every day we've done this week.

We were not even halfway down the hallway when Justin's voice rings out and bounces off the walls before it echoes in my ears.

"It was a bet Selena!"

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