Part Eight

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Selena's P.O.V

"Your mom says you have to eat something before you take the medicine the doctor gave you." I whisper to Jason.

He groans in pain and sickness and I automatically feel bad for him.

I hated being sick too.

"I'm not hungry." He whined childishly.

I sigh and nod in understanding.

"Why is it so damn cold in here?!" He complained as he shivered violently.

"Here," I say as I pull a blanket over his body and watch as Jazzy puts some socks over his feet carefully.

I smile at her, she loved her brother so much and anyone could see that from a mile away.

"I'm making some soup if you want some?" I bite my lip nervously.

He shook his head in stubbornness and I sigh before kneeling down next to his face.

His eyes meet mine and we stare at each other for what felt like hours before I clear my throat awkwardly.

"Please eat? It doesn't have to be a lot, just a little bit is good enough. Please?" I practically beg him.

He sighs and nods and I smile before standing up and going to the kitchen where I check on the soup that was still on the stove.

"You don't have to take care of him you know? He's good as long as that tv is on." Justin says from behind me.

I turn around and give him a smile.

"No, it's okay. Besides I know he feels awful. And I like helping people." I shrug as I pour the soup into five bowls and hand one to him.

"Oh so you cook, huh?" He teases me and I laugh lightly. I set two plastic bowls on the coffee table for Jazzy and Jaxon and another one for me.

They thank me and I smile at them before bringing the last bowl over to Jason.

He glances at the bowl in my hands and then at me before signing.

"You gotta feed him like mommy does!" Jaxon says. I blush lightly at the thought but shake it off and sit down next to him on the floor.

After letting it cool down for a bit, I bring he first spoonful to his mouth.

He hesitantly opens and after he consumes it, I smile at him and continue to feed him until it's all gone and then give him his medicine.

All the while, Justin would give us weird looks that I just couldn't understand.


Justin's P.O.V

After watching Selena feed Jason I had to leave the room.

So I went to mine and have been here ever since.

After deciding I've been alone for long enough, I head downstairs only to be met with an unbelievable sight.

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