collin X reader

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Collin pov
I was sitting on the couch with (y/n) I smiled and I braided her hair. Her (h/l) (h/c) was so soft. Usely I would be screaming at the person who was near me to back up but for her I could make a acception...

Y/n pov
I smiled while Colin braided my hair. It felt nice and relaxinf so I started to fall asleep. I yawned and fell into a dreamless glad im with collin and not (ex/n) anymore...

Collins pov
I smiled but then frowned when I rembered (ex/n)...he was a jerk. He yelled at (y/n) all the time. He never let her speak to any of her friends but decided to go get druk and sleep with any trash he could find. I smirked when I rembered what I did...I sent a email to everyone about his habits and many people went after him. I said i would stop all of this if he would let (y/n) be with me. He said yes but I didnt stop anything..what? The internet is a war zone. Do one bad thing and you're gonna get major attention. Plus,  he messed with my (y/n) and no one messes with anything thats mine....

Ooooooo mabey there is gonna be a part 2 to this..

Sorry these are so short. Next chapter I'll try to make it longer.

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