Collin X. reader pt.2

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Collins pov
Everything has been wonderful!!! Anyone who got too close to my (y/n) I would justvmakebthier lives a living hell! For instance...spreading convincing lies, framing them for murders, or just killingbthem myself...people started to think my (y/n) was cursed. People started to get rid of her but I wouldn't allow that..I had to keep my (y/n) safe so I did the only thing I could...KILL EVERYONE!!! And I did...I put a bug in the device of everyone in the city. Who ever was on anything electronic would die..except for (y/n) I made sure that she wouldn't get hurt. The news came on saying that the entire city was killed. I was so happy to see (y/n) cry with joy she said things like "all of those could thus of happened?" I know she was just overwelmed with joy. She was so happy she cried for days! I can't wait to tell her that I did all that. But not yet...I still need to protect (y/n)..she isn't safe..I may have killed the city but there are still harmful people out there...I'm working on something...I won't say anything because it'll ruin the surprise..but I will say is with it ill be able to kill everyone on this planet!!! And when I'm done (y/n) will be safe and she'll love me forever!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!

I'm not dead!! Suggested me stuff and I'll write more!

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