teacher X blind! reader

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Tony pov
I was in a meeting with the other teachers. We had to discus what we would do about the new student. "Okay. So we know [his, her, their] Name is (y/n) but what else? " I asked. "Well [he/she/they] wear(s) those dark glasses all the time. And carried around that stick. " paige said. "AND THEY DONT HAVE A FAVORITE COLOR!!! " paige yelled. "How can you not have a favorite color?! Heck, I will accept green from [him\her\them] jut to do something! They are so uncreative" paige said. "Paige. They are blind." Colin said. "Huh?" she asked. "Blind! It means they can't see! Of course they Dont have a favorite color they never saw color in their life!" Colin said. "I wont say it isn't some what a issue since our classes are primarily for people who can see or hear but all we need to domes change it up so all our students can learn." Colin said. "I shouldn't have to try to hard. Malcolm accepts everyone! Blind, deaf, neither, and both!" he said "teaching them about the right food to eat will be hard but not impossible. " Steve said. " (y/n) uses the computer microphone to get the information (he\she\they] want(s). I could teach them how to type so it could be easier." Colin joined in. The teachers proceeded to change their learning plans for the young (y

). They also made lessons for the deaf, and if the student was blind and deaf aswell.

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