:: epilogue ::

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jennie looked down onto the gray brick ground of the streets of seoul, her black and white adidas shoes included in her vision.

with her hands in her pocket, and small, unnoticible, shudders due to the coldness, she looked over at the person beside her, who was sipping her hot chocolate.

"what are you looking at?" the girl asked with a giggle, after a second too long of jennie looking at her. jennie shakes her head, looking down again, trying to hide the pink blush that was warming up her cheeks.

"nothing," jennie almost huffed.

"cheer up man, it's your last day here,"

ever since the third day of the trip, when they met, jennie has been spending all of her other days in korea with jisoo. they were tasting authentic korean foods and walking through museums, jisoo was acting as a tour guide, basically. most of the time though, jennie caught herself staring at the other while she was explaining the events that happened. (slightly cringy but also cute af help me)

"i know i just-" jennie sighed "i just don't want to go back."

"aw," a small frown formed on jisoo's soft-skinned face, though it wasn't evident because she was wearing a mask,"c'mere." jisoo widened her arms in the middle of the street, and jennie walked into them and snuggled her head into jisoo's neck.

"i mean, i'll feel so lonely there. with my best friend in a relationship and like-" jennie paused, unsure if she should say the next sentence "you know... without you around."

"aw, it's okay," jisoo sighed, and thought of a solution, her face lighting up when a good one came to her mind "we can facetime!"

"oh, yeah!" jennie seems semi-excited at first but then frowns again "i doubt you'd have the time though. and no more hugs?"

"aish, it's going to be okay," jisoo reassured, yet the hint of doubt still lingered in her words.

what if it doesn't work any more? she doesn't want it to be awkward the next time they meet-which would most probably be next year.

jisoo and jennie let go of each other simultaneously, and then they hold hands towards their last stop in korea, their last stop together.

the most beautiful place, with such an expanse of greenery. the most private place in all of seoul. the place where most people go to with the one they love.

the calmest nowhere.


"it's so pretty here," jennie supplied when she saw the variety of flowers laid all over the park. jisoo chuckles at her cuteness.

"but do you know what's prettier?" jisoo asked, a smile lingering on her face.

"i bet you you were gonna say me."

jisoo shook her head, laughing quietly "i was talking about me!" jennie then let out a quiet laugh "but, you're a close second i guess."

"shut up."

"no." jisoo chuckled at jennie's face, which turned sour in a moment. "c'mon, let's look at mother earth's beauty!" jisoo then entagled jennies fingers with her own, which fit perfectly.


jennie, who was too compelled by the greenery, did not notice jisoo being gone from her side for three minutes. until she felt a tap on her shoulder, which made her turn around.

"milk flavoured ice cream for you." jisoo handed the cold item towards jennie, who was smiling widely "and chocolate for me."

the both of them then got going to licking their ice creams eagerly, and then skipped off into nowhere, hand in hand.

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