Chapter 2

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Nix's POV

I made sure to get to school extra early today. Nan usually gets here early so I want to surprise her when she arrives. Nan. I feel myself smile just thinking about her gorgeous smile, the way she laughs. Her flowing blonde hair. The love and respect she has for her best friend Mina.

Ever since I first met her two weeks ago, I've wanted to know more and more about her. Getting to know someone first is really important.

I'm snapped out of my daydream by someone knocking on my car door window. I look up to see a smiling Brody. I get out of my car and we do our handshake.

"Hey bro." I say

"What's up Nick? How come you're here so early?" He asks and my eyes fall to the ground as I try to come up with a believable excuse that isn't a full out lie. Since I'm Fae, it's actually impossible for me to lie. I am however, able to twist the truth, if I could come up with anything.

"I um... well... I... wanted to be early?" I stutter. I cringe from my own terrible try at telling a believable untruth.

Brody just grins. "It's that Nan girl isn't it? You don't have to lie to me it's okay if you like her."

I sigh. "Yes, I like her. I don't think she feels the same, but it doesn't matter."

"Well now to change the topic I've been training all weekend. You are so going down at swim practice today!"

"Guess we'll have to see about that!" I taunt. I know that I'm still going to win. Not because I'm some cocky, arrogant water jockey. I was a Nixie on the Fae plane and I lived in the water. I thrived off of water and it was practically my whole life. When Nixies reach a certain age, they can either become a sea witch or... well... die. The time for me to choose was near when Mina popped into my life. Everyone had left me and I had nothing to lose. My mother and girlfriend were soulless sea witches. I decided to help Mina even if it was a suicide mission for me. I ended up almost dying on the Fae plane. The only thing that saved me is that Mina and her brother Charlie brought me to the human plane. Although I'm not as great with water as I am on the Fae plane, I'm still better than average by a long shot.

Brody, once again snapping me from my thoughts, grabs around my neck and starts to rub my head with his fist. I fight back and we walk backwards onto a grass section in the school parking lot. I break out of his hold and tackle him onto the ground. Luckily the grass isn't too wet as we wrestle all over it.

If we were playing to decide a winner, I'm not sure who it would be. He was on top, then I was and it was flip flopping and sideways. A slow mocking clap cut us out of our daze.

"Ladies, ladies. Well done you've both proven that you don't lose easily." Brody and I stand up to see an amused Jared.

"Well if you're so confident then why don't you come fight us?" Brody asks.

"Because I don't want to end up looking a mess like you two." Jared replies. Brody and I both brush ourselves off. "How come you guys are here so early anyways?" I contemplated trying again at making an excuse.

"Oh and don't tell me some phony lie," Jared adds, "I can tell when you're telling the full truth or not."

Just then a white mustang pulls up with music from the Dead Prince Society blaring. In the front passenger seat is a flustered Mina who turns to yell at the driver. The driver is a beautiful blonde girl smiling like the sun. My breath catches. I turn back to Jared and point at the car.

I smile sheepishly. "That's why."

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