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Note: By request (only one, but whatevs) I shall be doing an epilogue. This epilogue will be in multiple POVs that are constantly changing, and I shall inform you when that switch is made. Thanks for reading, you beautiful people. xD Merry Christmas everyone!


Nan's POV

"So you don't remember anything that happened?" he asked me for what seemed like the millionth time.

"For the last time Nick, I don't know what you're trying to get me to remember. We've hung out and stuff, but nothing happened between us. It must have been some dream you had-- in which case I'm flattered that you chose me." He sighed and stood up, grabbing his bag as he turned to walk away. "Wait, I didn't mean to be rude, I just don't know what you're talking about."

He stayed with his back towards me when he answered. "Nothing. It's nothing."

I felt terrible. He sounded so sad. "Nick..." I said, trailing off. His face was tinged with red when he turned back.

"Nix," he paused as he closed his eyes. "My name is Nix." Then he left.


Mina's POV

I was angry. No, angry wasn't a strong enough word. I was furious. I was pacing around my room. "After everything that happened and he still wiped their memories. Brody's back to being confused, Nan's back to not understanding anything and Nix is heartbroken. Did you see the look on his face when Nan didn't remember them dating?" I stopped to look at Jared, who was sitting on my bed.

"Mina, I--" Jared looked at me with sadness in his eyes. "I don't know what you want me to say. But did you really expect him to ever stop? You know what he's capable of. We both do."

"I still just wish there's something we could have done to prevent it this time."

"There's only one way to prevent it, and I think you know where I'm going with this." He said. I stared straight back into his eyes as comprehension came over me.

"We're gonna have to kill him."


Nix's POV

I walked away from Nan as quick as I could. Of course she wouldn't remember. Was I expecting a happily ever after? Nixies rarely get those. Mine would have to be the closest in history. I'd have to continue on as being friends and try to forget my past time with Nan.

Two. Two deaths of my loved ones, and now something as near equal as death with the way it stabbed my heart. I couldn't get out of my thoughts for a while. Get ahold off yourself, Nix I mentally scolded. I looked up and was surprised to see my surroundings. I knew I had been walking, but the destination was supposed to be random, not the Old Green Mill Recycling Center.

I had heard rumors and whisperings that this is where the Guild was housed, but I had never been here myself. Until now. I had not the slightest idea where the actual door might be, so I walked forward and began looking around the whole run-down looking building.

"What'da ya think you're doing?" A voice came from behind me, making me jump and drop my bag off my shoulder.

"I-I-I was just looking arou-" I stopped when I turned around to see who had asked me. "Ever?"

"In the flesh." She smiled. "What's got you so jumpy?"

I contemplated whether I should tell her the truth, but I figured she'd be more help than harm. "I was looking for the entrance. I had heard this is where the Guild was located."

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