Chapter 3

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Mina's POV

Nan and I pull into the school parking lot and this is probably the first time I've ever been this early. She picked me up from my newish mansion house this morning and as soon as she did I knew something was on her mind. She was fidgeting and her gaze kept shifting.

I never would have noticed that a month ago but constantly being on the look out for the violent Faes have put me on edge more.

"What's on your mind Nan?" I ask her. "And don't say nothing, I know something's up." She shifts in the driver's seat again.

"Well there are actually two things. So which first?"

"Nan. It doesn't matter. You will tell me both."

"Fine I guess I'll tell you about the guy one first. It's Nick." Oh I almost forgot that Nix had to change his name to Nick on this plane.

"What about him?" I ask.

"Well... I... thinkImightlikehim." she blurts.

"Oo snap Nan. Really? Wow."

"Hey don't judge me! He's really cute and have. you. seen. him. while. he's. swimming?!" Nan was so dramatic with her pauses. To answer her question, yes, yes I have seen him swimming. On the Fae plane when he continually had to give me air with that life-saving-suck-kiss. I mentally cringe at that thought, but hey it's the only thing that kept me alive when trying to resurface the water from so deep. And when he helped me swim the distance into the Fate's castle on the Fae plane. Oh yes, I have seen him swimming.

"Yes Nan." I say reluctantly and sigh. "I have seen Nix- I mean Nick swim."

"And those piercing green eyes..." she started day dreaming so bad that her mustang swerved on the road.

"Nan!" I say. "Watch the road! Oh and you never told me about the second thing. What is it?"

"Oh yeah, well," she explained, "tee second thing is hair. As in my hair. Look how long it's gotten! I promise you it's at least four inches longer than yesterday." I currently think nothing of this statement. Her hair seems longer. So what?

Not knowing what else to say I finally reply, "Okay." As if she just remembered something, Nan jolts and starts to grin mischievously. I don't think I like that grin.

"Soo what's up with you and Jared?" She asks way too peppy. "Don't act dumb either, I know there's something." I blush a little. Okay a lot. I really don't like that grin.

"I don't know I guess we're just friends and I maybe might like him. You said it yourself one time that he was hot and so I agree in the sense that he's not ugly." But he'll probably never make prom king. I think to myself completing a line that Jared once said about me.

As we get closer to the school I start to think about Brody. What exactly are my feelings towards him now? I was desperately in love with for as long as I could remember. Then Jared came into play. At first I didn't like Jared, then I kind of did, then I didn't trust him, and then I was in love. I know now that I like Jared more, but do I still like Brody even a little? No. I tell myself. No, you love Jared and only Jared. You just admire Brody as a swimmer and an athlete.

As Nan pulls into the parking lot she starts to blare her Dead Prince Society music. I turn and yell at her to turn it down but she just sits there beaming.

I look up and see a frazzled Brody, Nix blushing (actually a pinkish color instead of the brownish that it used to be on the Fae plane when he was green) and a handsome Jared. He was wearing semi-dark blue jeans and a black leather jacket over a plain white t-shirt. When I had lost him to his evil brother Teague two weeks ago, I had been devastated. Especially considering it was my fault. It had taken me a whole week to track down Teague to get Jared back and it was a long, long week.

Jared looks at me and smirks. I mentally slap myself. Oh well. He most likely already knows that I'm in love with him, so it doesn't matter. As Nan parks her car and we get out the guys make their ways over to us. The three guys. Our friends and protectors. I smile.

Our three guys.

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